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June 12th, 1962 <br /> <br /> Tugwell Construction Company being the low bidder, and upon recommendation of the <br />architect, I recommend the contract be awarded to this firm. This covers the construction work. Bids will be <br />opened at a later date for the furnishings and equipment <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Dillon to concur in the recommendation of the City Manager was adopted, <br />without dissenting vote. <br /> <br /> 62-123 - "I recommend that an appropriation in the amount of $300,000.00 from the <br />Capital Improvement Fund be placed on first reading, with the attached ordinance. This appropriation is for <br />the remodeling of the library and the purchase of the necessary furnishings and equipment." <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Knight, to approve the recommendation of the City Manager and to place on <br />first reading the following ordinance, was adopted, without dissenting vote: <br /> <br /> AN ORDINANCE TO APPROPRIATE $300,000.00 FROM TPLE GENERAL CAPITAL <br />IMPROVEMENT FUND FOR THE PURPOSE OF RENOVATING AND EQUIPPING TEE FORMER <br />POST OFFICE BUILDING FOR USE AS A PUBLIC LIBF~RY." <br /> <br /> 62-124 - "I recommend that an appropriation zn the amount of $330,000.00 from the <br />Capital Improvement Fund be placed on first reading with the attached ordinance. This is to cover contracts <br />for street construction and sewer and drainage zmprovements in the Lincolnsville development." <br /> <br />the following ordinance <br /> <br />Motion of Mr. Leafy, to concur in the recommendation of the City Manager and <br />on ~irst reading, was adopted, without dissenting vote: <br /> <br /> "~L~ ORDINANCE TO APPROPRIATE $330,000.00 FROM THE GEI~RAL CAPITAL <br />IMPROVEMENT FUND FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING STREET AND UTILITY <br />IMPROVEMENTS IN CONNECTION WITH THE LINCOLNSVILLE URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT, <br />NO. VA. R-6.- <br /> <br />50 place <br /> <br /> 62-125 - "I submit the attached ordinance and recommend that it be placed on first <br />reading. This amends the compensation plan for City employees to conform with the proposed 1962-63 budget. The <br />hourly wage rate has been broken down to a six-step plan rather than the five steps which granted zncreases for <br />the first, second, third, tenth and twentieth year. Under the new plan, Increases will be granted the first, <br />second, third, fourth, tenth and twentieth year, and will conform to the semi-monthly plan. Additional classifi- <br />cations have been added to provide for library personnel, water personnel necessary to handle service lines, <br />assistan5 City Attorney and the change of some titles, but no grade increases have been provided for anyone." <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Leafy to concur in the recommendation of the City Manager. <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Walker to amend the motion To read "and that the City Manager provide <br />before second reading a schedule of classification to be entitled 'Classification g' and that this schedule be <br />'Classification A'" was lost, there being no second. <br /> <br /> Vote being taken, Mr. Leary's motion was adopted and the following ordinance was <br />approved on first reading, without dissenting vote: <br /> <br /> "AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE ORDINANCE ENTITLED 'AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING <br />FOR THE CLASSIFICATION OF EMPLOYMENT AND A COMPENSATIQN PLAN FOR EMPLOYEES <br />OF THE CITY' ADOPTED JUNE 27th, 1961, BY REVISING THE BASIC PAY SCHEDULE, <br />PARTS I and II, ATTACHED THERETO AND MADE A PART THEREOF." <br /> <br /> 62-126 - "It is necessary that a public hearing be held on the 1962-63 budget and it <br />must be advertised seven dsys in advance of the h~ringo Wednesday, Jund 20th, would be the earliest date it <br />can be held. I recommend that the public hearing on the budget be held on Wednesday, June 20th, 1962, at 7:30 <br />P.M., and also the appropriations be placed on first reading at that time." <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Knight To concur in the recommendation of the City Manager was adopted, <br />without dissenting vote. <br /> <br /> 62-127 - "Attached hereto is s list of requested appropriation transfers to be made <br />in the 1961-62 budget. I recommend that I be authorized To make these Transfers as listed in order that all <br />categories of the budget will have sufficient funds through the end of June, 1962. <br /> <br /> * See page 253. <br /> Motion of Mr. Barnes To concur in the City Manager's recommendation was adopted, without <br />dissenting vote. <br /> <br /> 62-128 - "In order to assist Maryview Rospital in providing adequate off-street parking,. <br />I recommend that the City-owned property on the north side of West Road, just to the west of the wa~er tower, as <br />shown on the plat attached, be advertised for lease upon the following conditions: <br /> (1) The lessee will stand all expenses o~ preparing and maintaining <br /> the parking lot in accordance with all ordinances, regulations <br /> and standards of the City of Portsmouth. <br /> (2)The City will reserve the right 5o regulate parking as necessary <br /> when the water tower is painted. <br /> (3) The term of the lease shall be for five years, with permission for <br /> three renewals of five years each." <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Barnes to concur ~n the recommendation of the City Manager was adopted, <br />without dissenting vote. <br /> <br /> 62-129 - "I recormnend that I be authorized to advertise for sale City owned land on <br /> the north side of Etliott Ave. between Deep Creek Boulevard &nd Frederick~Boulevard. <br /> It is desired to use this property foc industrial development and the Plan - <br /> ning Commission has approved the sale of the property." <br /> <br /> <br />