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,Tnly 10th, 196P, <br /> <br />C~eek, has caused this League to be most concerned with water ~fety in this part of the City. -The problem is <br />one that confronts all Cities located near a body of water. Our concern is~ can future drownings in this area <br />be prevented? <br /> We wish it was possible to p~ese~t such a solution to your body, however ~e cannot. Yet, <br />we are of the opinion that some effort should be made. Therefore we suggest that Council prohibit swiming in the <br />Baines Creek ares and post such signs as are necessary. The depth of the water is misleading because of the <br />dredged channel. <br /> In the last several years the area was so poluted that swiming was not allowed and it may <br />still be poluted. The adjacent City Park is frequented by many Citizens who are unfamilar with the surronding <br />water and should be made ~ware of it's hazards. <br /> For those desiring swiming there are several lakes and pools available where someone <br />supervises the swimers. Signed: Louis ~. Keller, Corresponding Secretary." <br /> <br />On motion of Mr. Leary~ referred to the City Manager for report~ at next meeting. <br /> <br /> 62-164 - The following communication from the West Side. Civic League was read: <br /> <br /> "There are many ~ailroad grade crossings withing the corporate limfts of Portsmouth. <br />While the condition of these crossings may be suitable for the Carriers using them, vehicular traffic crossing <br />them finds it rough going. <br /> All the Carriers operating within Portsmouth seem to be equally guilty of poor main- <br />tenance. From time tO time~ the reminder by the local press (Old Grouch)of the poor condition of these cros~ngs <br />has resulted in repairs being made by the Carriems. The Seaboard Railroad crossing at Frederick Blvd. is a <br />prime example of the condition these grade crossings are in. <br /> This League is of the opinion that Council could require better maintenance of these <br />crossings by proposing some requirements of the Carriers in an amendment t? Chapter 22 of the City Code. <br /> Any relief afforded to Portsmouth's motorists would be most appreciated. <br /> Signed: Louis H. Keller, Corresponding Secretary." <br /> <br />On motion of Mr. Barnes, referred to the City Manager for report at next meeting. <br /> <br />62-165 - The following communication from Florence M. Howard was read: <br /> <br /> "WHEN is someone going to take an interest in the Oak Grove Cemetary? I think it is a <br />shame and a disgrace to the City of Portsmouth, the lack of interest taken by the City Officials. <br /> On 6 June 1962 I was in the Oak Grove Cemetery and saw a police dog romping over the <br />lots, graves and every place in the cemetery, while the owner stood by watching. When I told the man the keep <br />the dog off the lots he told me 'to mind my own business.' I have seen quite a few persons who take their dog ~o <br />the cemetery ro romp. <br /> I am asking you co have the Oak Grove Cemetery enclosed by a wire fence:have the Beasley <br />Gate and ALL gates closed before or by sundown. There should be a sign warning owners of dogs to keep them <br />out with a penalty for those beinging a dog in. <br /> I took the man's automobile licence and when he saw me he said 'go ge5 a policemen, I <br />hope you do <br /> Please give this immediate consideration as it is most urgent in order to keep the Oak <br />Grove Cemetery from further destruction and vandalism. <br /> The man's automobile licence number ls 174-102. <br /> Signed: Florence M. Howard, 1607 Spratley Street." <br /> <br />On motion of Mr. Barnes, referred vo the City Manager. <br /> <br />62-166 - The following communication from Burrell R. Johnson was read: <br /> <br /> "As a result of my changing my permanent residence from the First School District Eo the <br />Second School District (West Park View to May flower Park), I am az this time offering my resignation to the <br />Portsmouth City Council and Portsmouth School Board. <br /> Serving our city and our children in this capacity has given me personal satisfaction <br />and civic pride in a job which men devote of their time and effort in a cause second ~o none. During my brief <br />~erm, I have been working with committees of the School Board on Buildings and Grounds; Athletic Association of <br />Woodrow Wilson ~igh School; Portsmouth Education Association; and many others in addition ~o recently being ap~ <br />pointed to the office of Vice President of the Tidewater School Board Association. <br /> On my recen~ trip to the National School Board meeting in St. Louis, ~issouri, I found <br />ouE how much our children need our help in giving them the very best in education. I wish to remain a par~ of <br />the Portsmouth School Board so that I can aid in their getting that education. If you see it 'within your <br />power 5o reappoint me ~o the School Board I exten~ to you my deepest gratitude. <br /> Serving with the fine men of the School Board has been a wonderful experience, and [ <br />extend co them my heart-felt thanks for the cooperation we have had over the pas~ year. May they enjoy many <br />more such years Signed: Burrell R. Johnson." <br /> <br />Motion of Mr. Atkinson 5o accep~ with regrets was adopted, without dissenting vo~e. <br /> <br />62-167 - The following communication from J. T. English was read: <br /> <br /> "As I have moved from the City of Portsmouth to Norfolk County,: I wish ~o submit my <br />resignation as a member of the Portsmouth School Board. Please consider my resignation effective as soon as a <br />new member can be appointed to the Board by the Council. <br />It has been a pleasant experience Eo serve on the School Board of Portsmouth, and I <br />express my sincere thanks to the Council for having the confidence ~o appoint me 5o this responsible position. <br /> I wish the City of Portsmouth, and especially the educational system, continued success <br />in every way. Signed: J. T. English. <br /> <br />On mo~ion of Mr. Barnes, the resignation was accepted with regre~s. <br /> <br />62-168 - The following communication from Ernest K. Emurian was read: <br /> <br /> <br />