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May 26, 1964 <br /> <br />approved. <br /> <br />At a regular me,ting o£ the City Council,. he~d on May 2.6, 1.964, there were present: <br /> <br />R. Irvine Smith, C; $..Atkinson, Jack P. Barnes, John L. Dillon, George D~ Eestes, L. L~ Knight, <br />W. T. Lear~, A. P. Johnson, Jr., City Manager, and M.. A. Kerb,. Jr.., City At%crecy.. <br /> <br />The meeting was opened with prayer by Mr. Dillon. <br /> <br />~nutes of regular meeting of May 12, 1964, and called'meeting of May 15, 1964, were read and <br /> <br /> 64-tO7 -. Henri, ag, on Comprehensive Plali for the City .of. ortsmo, uth CP 1-64 I~OPOSED' LAND USE, RP-2, <br />LAND USE PLAN, FORT. NELSON PLACE PROJECT, HARLAND BARTHOLOMEW AND ASSOCIATES, SEPTEMB~i{~, 1~963"~ <br /> <br />The City Manager read the followLng resolution: <br /> <br /> "RESOLUTION ADOPTING AN A~ENDMENT TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PlAN OF THE CITY OF PORTSMOUTH, VIRGINIA,. <br />I~tOWN AS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDN~ENT CP-1-64, RELATING TO THE PROPOSED 'LAND USE IN THE FOR~-NELSON PLACE URBAN <br />RENq~WAL PROJECT. <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, the ~ortsmouth Redevelopment and Housing Authority zn it~ capacity as ~lccal public <br />agency' has proposed amendments To the Fort Nelson Place Urban Renewal Project (VA. r-6) and submitted to the <br />Portsmouth Cit~ Plan~ing.~Commission and City Council s docuanen~ entitled 'Proposed Lend Use, RP-2, Land Use <br />Plan, Fort Nelson Place P~.~oject, Harla~d Bartholomew & Associates, September,, 1963", which, by rules and:regula- <br />tions of the He,sing and Home Fir~nce Agency under the ~erms of the National Honsing Act, mus~ be found ~o be in <br />conformity ~ith the comprehensive ~pla~ for~the Ci~ty of Portsmouth; and <br /> WHEREAS4.'en Ma~= t; 1964, the Umban RenewalAdministration notifie.d~the City that the comDrehen-. <br />sire plam fo~ the City of P~r~tsmouth and the pr.oposed land use plan for the Fort Nelson Place U~ban~na~sl P~O-. <br />jec~ referred to above are ~no~ in conformity; and <br /> WHEREAS, pu~sunn,L r~Cha.p~e~ 2~ of Title .15 of ~he Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, the Planning <br />Commission .did on ~ay 5~ 1~64; ~or~d, uct a publ.ic hearing on said ~document:CP-1-64, after gi~ing the <br />requi~ed by law, ~and did o.n. said date r.ecommend ~o the Council of the City of Portsmouth that said comprebensive.~ <br />plan amendmea%t adopted; and~ <br /> WHEREAS, th~ Council of:tho City.of Portsmouth, Virginia, ~id om May 26, 1964, hold a public <br />hearing on tko p~opose~comPrehensiye plan amendment CP-1-64, after giving /~he notice requl~ed hy <br />NOW ,~ THERE_~ORE~ BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORTSMOUTH., VIRGINIA: ..~ <br />1. That on the ComprCb~ensive Plan, 'CP-1-62, LAND USE ;~Nq) MAJOR STREETS', the legend phrase <br />'LIMITED AND LOCAL BUSINESS' includes therein a carr.y-over assumption of IRESIDENTIAL~HIGH DENSITY'; and is so <br />constructed to show the same basic.~dot, pattern for both 'RESIDENTIALvHIGH DENSITY' and 'LIMITED AND LOCAL <br />BUSINESS' with an added hatch line in areas designated for limited business, representing an intention that <br />residential-h%g~ density use be supplemented with certain selected limited and local business uses; and that <br />parallel ~etween this ~or~iou of the~Comprehensive Plan legend end the zoning map legend for the zoning district <br /> O FICES <br /> reflected in the action~ o£~ithe P~annin~ C0mmission and <br />the City Cou~il~ <br /> 2. That SINGLE FAMILY' shown on said 'CP-l~64~ shall be synonymous.and inte~hangeable with <br />the 'CP-i-~~ legend designctio~ .~TESIBENTIAL-LOW DENSITY', 'MULTl~FAM~Y~eynonymoua an~ int~rchang~eble with <br /> RESIDENTI~L~HIGH DENSITY , and 'CO~N~ERC~AL' with 'GENERAL AND INTENSIVE BUSINESS' <br /> 3. That since Comprehensive Plan, 'CP-1-62, makes no distinction with reference ~n a category <br />such as ~¢SE~PUBLIC' an omission both recognized and intended by the City,.0£ Port~mouth in.keeping with the <br />general ~nmtu~e of a m~nicipal comprehensive plan under laws of the State of Virginia, it is the express <br />intentio~,o£ ,the City .of Portsmouth that the term SEMI-P~BLIC' used in 'CP-1-64' relative to 'AREA N~I~BER 6' <br />end'S7~ shaI~ be synonymous and interchangeable with 'RESIDENTIAL-HIGH DENSITY' and 'AREA NUMBER ~', synonymous <br />and interchangeable with 'GENERAL AND INTENSIVE BUSINESS'. <br /> 4.~ That the dncnmeut identified as Comprehensive Plan ~mendme~t CP-t-6~is hereby adolpt~d as, <br />and de¢la~ed to he~ en",amendment To the ~ompreheneive Plan of the City of Portsmouth, Virginia. <br /> ~. That the documen~ entitle8 'Proposed Land Use~ Fort Nelson Place RP-2 E×hi~it l, Urban <br />R~newal Project VA, R-6, Harland Bartholomew & Associates', is hereby declared to he in conformity with the <br />eomprehen~i¥~ ~lan fo~ the City pf ~ortsmouth, Virginia, otherwise referred To ss the general plan for the <br />locality." <br /> <br />No o~e spoke ~n regard To the resolution. <br /> <br />On motion~of Mm. Ba~nes~ theresolution was unanzmously ad6pted. <br /> <br /> 64~110 -The following report of t~e Beard of Minimum Housing for the year 1963 was presented by <br />Leo Sho~klin, Chairman: <br /> <br />"Transmitted herewith is the annual r. epor~.of the Board of Minimum Housing, for the year 1963. <br />This year has marked the transition to the aew, vevised Minimum Housing Code, enacted in <br />February, 1963. During much of the year, there we~e~shor~ages ~n the staff, due ~o recruitment and training. <br />The year ended with a complete staff of four g~nitarians who are all familiar with the w6'rk. <br /> During the first of the year, areas ~nitially inspec ted ~nder the old code, were required To <br />comply with old~ code ~rev~sions, thus there was some carryo~rer, as housingsm i~pected came into~ compliance. By <br />March~ new fo~ms had been devised, a~dinspeotions'were~ s~arted in an area b~unded by Crawford.~treet, ~he <br />interstate highway, and~y Streets. Ins P~ctions~bega~ et Crawfomd, and proceeded weszwerd. Details of work <br />accomplished for the year are tabulated in the accompanying chart. <br /> For your information, we are enclosing a copy of the procedures enacted and approved by the <br />board, under authority of ihe city cede, fO~ enforcemen~ o£ the minimum housing stsndsrds. (See April '63 <br />minutes.) <br /> Appeals: During the year, the-~oard heard Two appe~ls~ One wes based 0~ ~ardship, and after <br />investigation, the appellant was considered bo be unable to ~epair his house. (~uch cases~hre placed in a <br />hsrdship:file, a~d are i~eviewed every 6 months) <br /> The second appel was:also on the ~asis oi.har~dship..-~fter investigation, ~he board granted an <br />e~ensiea~ but di~'~o{ eenside~ the ms~ter to be a hardship. The aDpet~s~t was instruoted ~o paint his house <br />after the extension had expired. <br /> <br /> <br />