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December 16, 1969 <br /> <br />- UNFINISHED BUSINESS - <br /> <br />69-396 - The following ordinance, approved on first reading at last meeting, was taken up and read: <br />"AN ORDIN.~qCE TO CLOSE AN UNN~ED L/SqE ON ~{E EASTERLY.SIDE OF AIRLINE BOULEVARD." <br /> <br />On motion of Mr. Smith, the ordinance was adopted, and by the following vote: <br /> <br /> Ayes: Barnes, Eastes, Hotley, Johnson, King, Smith, Tu~er <br /> Nays: None <br /> <br />69-397 - The following ordinance, approved on first reading at last meeting, was taken up and read: <br /> <br />"kN ORDINANCE TO APPROPRIATE $1,500.00 FROM THE ~ATER FUND AS THE CITY'S PRO-RATA SHARE <br />OF THE COST OF A WATER FEASIBILITY STUDY BY THE SOUTHE~STE~N VIRgiNIA PLANNING DISTRICT CO~.~!I$SION." <br /> <br />On motion of Mr. Eastes, the ordinance, was adopted, and by the following vote: <br /> <br /> Ayes: Barnes, Eastes, Holtey, Johnson, King, Smit~ Turner <br /> Nays: None <br /> <br />NEW BUSINESS - <br /> <br /> 69-426 - Letters from the followin~ applicants for Justice of the Peace were presented, and on motion of <br />Mr. Turner, referred to a conference on the matter: <br /> <br />Mrs. Bertha Weaver <br />Vernon C. Crump <br /> <br />69-427 - Letters from the following requesting the City to accept the Conservation program were presented: <br /> <br />Rev. R. W. Spellman, 2525 Moton Street <br />Mary J. Spellman, sa~e <br />Christopher Hun~er, 2512 Moron Street <br />Alberta Hunter same <br /> <br /> iiOtlOn oz Mr. Holley that the City Clerk advise those who made the request that the City has acdepted the <br />project, was adopted. <br /> <br /> 69-428 - ~!otion of Mr. Smith that a proper resolution be prepared commending.and thanking John T. Nix for <br />his tireless efforts in behalf of the development of the Portsmouth Port was adopted, without dissenting vote. <br /> <br /> 69-249 - ~{otion of ~{r. Johnson that the City Manager be authorized to secure information as quickly as <br />possible in regard to bringing pensioners' current retirement pay up to the present living schedule, was adopted <br />withou~ dissenting vote. <br /> <br />On motion a~journed. <br /> <br />APPROVED - <br /> <br />City Clerk <br /> <br /> <br />