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J~me 9. 1970 <br /> <br /> 70-243 - "I submit the .attached ordinance and recommend it be placed on first reading. This closes an <br />mnnamed seven-foot lane between Wall Street and Noble Street. ~nis closing has been requested by James Oliver <br />and btinnie B. Oliver, and Adleen A. Blackman. This has been approved by the Planning Cormmission and a copy of <br />the report of the vi~gers is attached hereto." <br /> <br />On motion of Mr. Johnson, the following ordinance was approved on first reading and by the following vote: <br /> <br />"AN ORDINANCE TO CLOSE A CERTAIN UNNAMED SEVEN-FOOT WIDE LANE LYING BETWEEN WALL ANb <br />NOBLE STREETS," <br /> <br />Ayes: Barnes, Eastes, Holley, Johnson, King, Turner <br />Nays: None <br /> <br /> 70-244 - "Bids were received an June 4, 1970, for construction of sanitary sewers in *-he Mimosa Cove and <br />Cedar Point areas, as well as Manor View area~ and a pumping station on Chandler Harper Drive. The following <br />bids were received: ~ <br /> <br />Contract S-6 (Mimosa Cove and Cedar Point areas) <br /> <br />A. Stuart Bolling Co., Inc. <br />A. G. Pinkston Co. <br />D. W. Winkelman Co, <br />A ~ W Contractors <br /> <br />$265,117.80 <br /> 267,167.25 <br /> 294,692.00 <br /> 355,202.50 <br /> <br />Contract S-7 (Manor View area) <br /> <br />A. Stuart Bolling Co., Inc. <br />A. G. Pinkston Co. <br />A ~ W Contractors <br /> <br />$467,554.50 <br /> 467,088.30 <br /> 478,598.50 <br /> <br />Contract S-9 (Chandler Harper Drive Pumping Station) <br /> <br />Roanoke Construction Co., Inc. <br />Hunt Contracting C5. <br />Van de Riet Construction Co. <br />Welch Contracting Corp. <br /> <br />$ 54,408.00 <br /> 54,485.00 <br /> 60,800~00 <br /> 81,648.00 <br /> <br /> Unit prices are considerably in excess of those received for similar work some six months ago, and such <br />results in much higher overall prices. There appears to be a possibility to save money in Contract S-7, Manor <br />View area sewers, by a change in the pavement specifications. It is felt that a savings of some $45,000 can be <br />accomplished by this c]lange, and is, therefore, recommended that this bid be rejected and readv~rtised. It can <br />be readvertised within a two-weeks period. <br /> <br /> The low bid for Contract S-9, Chandler Harper Drive Pumping Station, is $54,408. In view of this station <br />providing service for Contract S-7, Manor View sewers, it is recommended that we withhold awarding this bid <br />pending receipt of new bi~ls on Contract S-7. <br /> <br /> The low bid for Contract S-6, Mimosa Cove and Cedar Point area, is $265,117.80 and we see no way of <br />materially reducing this cost. It is, therefore, recommended that this contract be awarded to A. Stuart Bolling <br />Company, Inc." <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Eastes to award Contract S-6, Mimosa Cove andCedar Point areas to the 10w bidder, A. Stuart <br />Bolling, was adopted, wlthout dissenting vote. <br /> <br /> 70-245 - "I submit the attached application for the funding of the Community Mental Health and blental <br />R~tardation Program,s in the City of Portsmouth for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1971 and June 50, 1972. <br />This is being su~tted in accordance with Chapter 10, Title 37.1 of the Code of Virginia and is recommended <br />that the proper City officials be authorized to sign. <br /> <br /> This budget has been prepared by the Portsmouth Community Mental Health Services Board and provides for <br />expenditures of $155,084.54 for fiscal year ending June 50, 1971, and $~65,590.80 for fiscal year ending <br />June 50, 1972. This requires matchin~ funds by the locality of $66,94~.17 with the State funding a like amount. <br />The amount being requested by .the City is $16,670. This is to include funding for the Mental Health and Re- <br />tardation Program as well as the program for the Council on Divag Abttse. Approximately $5,000 of City funds will <br />be ~ed in the Drug Ab~se Program, plus an additional $2,000 of local contributions, with the State matching <br />the $7,000 of loca~ funds, giving the~Drug Abuse Program a budget of approximately $I4~,000." <br /> <br /> ~ ~pt~m pf ~r. King, the proper 6ity officials were authorized to sign the application, without dissenting <br />VOt e. <br /> <br /> - UNFINISHED BUSINESS - <br /> <br /> 70-206 - Zoning Petition ~ 70-8 - Chesport Corporation; on which action was deferred at last meeting. <br /> <br /> Senator Willimm Hodges spoke. <br /> E. T. Stokes, Jr., spoke. <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Turner to refer back to the Planning Commission with the additional information, for a <br />recommendation from the Commission was adopted,.without dissenting vote. <br /> <br /> <br />