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,]hme 9. 1970 <br /> <br />Increase.the cigarette tax from the present 7~ per pack to 10~, Neighboring cities <br />are in the process of adopting the increased rate I am recommending. <br /> <br />At the present time, the fine for parking meter violations is $1.00. If the ticket <br />is paid within one hour after issuance, the fe~ is only 25~. Since there are now a <br />substantial number of off-street parking places in metered areas, it is felt that <br />rates should be increased in an attempt to eliminate overtime parking abuses. It is~ <br />recommended that the fine be changed to $2.00~mi~t, £f paid within one hour after is- <br />suance, $1.00. This is estimated to produce $20,000. <br /> <br />To make trash and garbage collections from commercial establishments more equitable, <br />it is necessary to revise our rates and also place a fee on businesses hauling re- <br />fuse to the incinerator in their own equipment. Proposed is an adjustment based on <br />the amount of trash removed, not a general rate increase. The increase in these <br />funds is estimated at $55,000. <br /> <br />In the Capital Improvement Fund, it is recommended that ceilings on the utility tax <br />for residents be adjusted as follows: Change the limit on gas service from $6.00 <br />to $9.00, or an increase of 60~ per monlhh; On electricity, change the limit from <br />$12.00 to $17.00, an increase of $I.00; change the $200 limit on commercial use to <br />$1,000. <br /> <br />In the Utility Fund, $560,000 is needed to maintain sewer operations on a sound <br />financial basis, and .keep revenue bonds from being charged against our debt limit, <br /> <br /> It is proposed that a "ready-to-se~"¢e" sewer charge be established, at the rate of 13~ ~per 100 cubic <br />feet. The charge per 100 dubic feet is recommended so the effect on the small user will be the least possible. <br /> <br /> If a flat charge were used, as in the water rate, it would require a rate of SI.S0 per month on the <br />minimum rate user. On the per-cubic-foot basis it will cost the minimum user $1.56 per quarter rather than <br />$4.50. <br /> <br /> This method of raising sufficient revenue to operate the sewer system will enable the City to receive <br />revenue from City Sewer system customers as well as those served by Hampton Roads Sanitation District Co~mlissi~ <br />The proposed "ready-to-so,ce" charge will produce approximately $560,000, covering debt so,cite and cost of <br />sewer system maintenance. <br /> <br /> %fnile th~se revenue measures may appear to be drastic, I see no alternative if the City is to maintain at <br />least our present level of services and edmcational program. The only other recourse would be a substantial <br />reduction in personnel, which would require severe curtailment of services, reduce protection of properties, <br />and downgrade our educational programs. In the public interest, I cannot recommend such alternative actions. <br /> <br />I recommend that the attached ordinance be placed on first reading." <br /> <br /> On motion of Mr. Turner, the following ordinance ~as approved on first reading, and by the following <br />vote: <br /> <br />"AN ORDINANCE TO APPROPRIATE FUNDS NECESSARY FOR OPERATION OF THE CITY GOVERNMENT FOR <br />AND DURING THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1, 1970, AND ENDING JUNE 50, 1971." <br /> <br />Ayes: Barnes, Bastes, Nolley, Johnson, King, Turner <br />Nays: None <br /> <br />The following reports from the City Manager were read: <br /> <br /> 70-251 - "I submit the attached ordinance and recommend it be placed on first reading. This establishes <br />the tax on real estate, personal property and machinery and tools for fiscal year beginning July 1, 1970. The <br />rate on re~l estate is recommended at $2.2S; on personal property -- $4.00; and machinery and tools -- $5.00. <br />These are the same rates that are currently in effect." <br /> <br /> On motion of Mr. Johnson, the following ordinance was approved on first reading and by the following' <br />vote: <br /> <br /> "AN ORDINANCE IMPOSING AND COLLECTING TAXES ON REAL EsTATe, TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY, AND <br /> MACHINERY AND TOOLS WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF~ORTSMOUTH, VIRGINIA, FORTHB PURPOSE <br /> OF RAISING REVB[fOB FOR THE SUPPORT OF THE GOVERNMENT kND THE PUBLIC FREE S(~OOLS AND TO PAY <br /> INTEREST AND SINKING FUND ON THE PUBLIC DEBT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY I, 1970, <br /> AND ENDING JUNE 50, 1971." <br /> <br />Ayes: Barnes, Bastes, Holley, Johnson, King, Turner <br />Nays: None <br /> <br /> 70-232 -~"'I submit the attached ordinance, and recommend it be placed on first reading. This amends the <br />present ordinance pertaining to the limits on the tax charged for gas and electricity. For the tax on gas <br />for residential users, itincreases the limit from $6.00 to $9.00 per month. This means a consumer using $9.00 <br />worth of. gas a month would pay an additioBal 60~ in utility tax. A consumer using $6.00 of gas would not pay <br />an additional tax. <br /> <br /> The limit on electricity for residential use is raised from $12.00 to $17.00. This would increase the <br />tax by $1.00 per month on the user of the maximum limit, : <br /> <br />On the commercial rate, the present limit is $200.00 and the proposed ordinance amends this to $t,000.00. <br /> <br />These new limits are to be .effective July 1, 1970." <br /> <br /> <br />