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RUBLIC UTILITY FUND <br /> <br />ESTIMATED REVENUE RECEIPTS <br /> <br />$4,193,80~.00 <br /> <br />APPROPRIATIONS FOR EXPENDITURES <br /> <br />Operating Expenditures <br />Debt Service <br /> Total Appropriations <br />Unappropriated Blance for Contingencies <br /> Total Appropriations and Unapprdpriated <br /> Balance <br /> <br />2,965,966.00 <br />1,224~115.00 <br /> <br />$4,190,081.00 <br /> 5,719.00 <br /> <br />$4,19S,800.00 <br /> <br />LAW LIBRARY FUND <br /> <br />ESTI!,~TED REVENUE RECEIPTS <br /> <br />$ 7,500.00 <br /> <br />APPROPRIATI+DNS FOR EXPENDITURES <br /> <br />Operating Expenditures <br /> Total Appropriations <br />Unappropriated Bi~ance for Contingencies <br /> Total Appropriated and Unappropriated <br /> Balance <br /> <br />5,500.00 <br /> <br />5,500.00 <br />2,000.00 <br /> <br />7,500.00 <br /> <br />The following people spoke: <br /> <br />E. W. Lewis, representing Senior Citizens <br />Patrolman W. C. Gavin, Police Department <br />Charles W. Ferguson, Fire Department <br />Kenneth G. Ballentine, Fire Department <br />James O. Ballentine, Fire Department <br />Howard C. Dixon, Water Department <br />Attorney Norman 01itsky, representing Pire, <br /> Police and Water Department employees <br /> <br />John A. Whitehead, Fire Department <br />Maywood O. Lawrence <br />Mrs. Sam Stewart <br />William T. Dawson, Portsmouth Police and <br /> Fire Departments, representing also RichaMd ~p~rnee <br />Sam A. Howard, City incinerator empoyee <br />James Jenkins, Senior Citizen <br />Thomas E. Calloway, Local ~35 <br />Louis T. Faison, Local 7SS <br /> <br />Attorney Donald Kilgore, speaking on utility tax increase - presented the following resolution: <br /> <br /> "In a resolution adopted by the Portsmouth City Council on November 11, 1969, the Portsmouth <br />Chamber of ~ommerce was charged with the responsibility for Industrial and Commercial development <br />in the City. <br /> <br /> As City Council is ~ware, industrial development is a highly competitive field. One of ~he <br />major elements in creating a favorable industrial development climate is an equitable and reasonable <br />tax structure. In addition, the taxes must be competitive with other comparable areas in the State. <br />Inordinately high taxes can be detrimental, if not fatal, to any industrial development effort. An <br />analysis of utility taxes imposed by the cities ~n Virginia reveals that none has a rate higher than <br />the 20% now assessed by Pot~Rmouth and of the five cities with a comparable-rate only two have a <br />higher ceiling ie. Norfolk and Roanoke. <br /> <br /> Removal of the tax ceiling on utilities would place Portsmouth at a disadvantage in the industrial <br />development arema. <br /> <br /> In any action to increase taxes upon the purchase of services currently being taxed such an in- <br />crease should be applied proprortionately to all like services. <br /> <br /> The Portsmouth Chamber of Commerce is fully cognizant of the ever increasing pressdres upon <br />the city goverrment for added and expanded services and facilities. We are equally aware that these <br />increased demands require additional revenues. <br /> <br /> Industrial growth is a major source of new revenues to a city through the added tax monies and the <br />ultimate revenues to be realized from new jobs and new payroll dollar~. <br /> <br /> It is reemphasized that any taxes that are of such magnitude as to adversely effect the competitive <br />position of Portsmouth can be seriously detrimental to the industrial and commercial development efforts <br />of the city. <br /> <br /> It is recommended, therefore, that no increases in utility taxes be enacted until an in-dept <br />study can be conducted to determine the effects of such increases upon existing industry and upon <br />the competitive position of Portsmouth in relation to other cities in Virginia, and to ascertain the <br />amount~ of revenues to be realized from such increases." <br /> <br />Attorney H. Thomas Fennell, tax situation spoke. <br /> <br />S. H. Blackwell, Jr., Manager, VEPCo, presented the following statement: <br /> <br />"My na~e is W. H. Blackwell, and I am Portsmouth Manager for Virginia Electric and Power Company. <br />Vepco is opposed to the proposed increase in the tax imposed on utility services. We have found <br />that when the ~ility tax is imposed or increased, our customers believe their electric bills have been <br />increased rather than their taxes. <br /> <br /> The Company incurs all the costs of collecting the tax and receives all the complaints about the <br />increased cost of utility service. The City collects the tax with no cost whatsoever. Although this <br />is an increasing cost to Vepco, it is not the reason we are appearing in opposition to the tax increase. <br /> <br /> <br />