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354- <br /> <br />January ~, 1973 <br /> <br />construction of new multi-family dwellings on vacant land or large lots. As the Planning <br />Commission was assessing probable impact of this development, Applicant Harold Beaver intro- <br />duced Z-72-45 which again asked for high density R-60 in this area adjacent to land involved <br />in Z-72-29. The Commission decided upon consistency and agreed to recommend denial, pointing <br />out in addition the inadequacy of existing streets (Powell and Haysom) and the probability <br />that approval of R-60 in this case would serve as a precedent encouragzng other property owners <br />to seek similar increases in potential density. On January 2, 1973, the Planning Commission <br />again unanimously resolved to recommend denial of this application on a basis that R-75 will <br />best serve public and private interests involved as this area at the southeast corner of <br />Portsmouth Boulevard and Elmhurst Lane is further developed. <br /> <br />Z_72~S0 Petition of Pink W. Smith, by Robert A. Hutchins, Agent, to rezone property <br />~ed as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of High and Orange Streets; <br />thence east along the south side of High Street approximately 140 feet to a side property <br />line; thence south along said line approximately 122 feet to the line of an alley; t~enc~ <br />west along said alley approximately 135 feet to the east right-of-way line of Orange <br />Street; thence north along said right-of-way approximately 120 feet to High Street, <br />the point of origin; from Residential R-7S-S to Residential R-60. <br /> <br /> For your December 4, 1972 public hearing, the City Planning Commission published an <br />advertisement recommending denial of R-60 and substitution of R-75, submitted a written re- <br />port containing this recommendation and providing a proposed Zoning Ordinance amendment <br />tin the form prescribed) containing terms of this proposed substitution. On January 2, 1973, <br />the Planning Commission unanimously resolved to endorse your denial of petition Z-72-50 and <br />to recommend again that you cmnsider further its proposed ordinance for converting this tract <br />of land for reasons stated earlier from R-75-S to R-75." <br /> <br /> gity~6ttprqey.refeyred matter to Planning <br /> Dy tnlS DO~y zn ~eDruar~. <br /> <br /> Motion of Mr. Johnson and seconded by Mr. <br />was denied by the following vote: (Z 72-45) <br /> <br />Commission and a public hearing to be held <br />Smith, to approve the petition for R-60, <br /> <br />Ayes: Holley, Johnson, Smith <br />Nays: Early, King, Wentz, Barnes <br /> <br />NEW BUSINESS <br /> <br />73-15 The following letter from Mr. George R. Walker, 1749 Sprat&ey Street, was read: <br /> <br /> "It is requested that my name be placed upon the agenda of the 9 January, 1973 meeting <br />of the Portsmouth City Council to address the proposal of the Chamber of Commerce for dual <br />business-administration.government of the City pursuant to its study entitled "Ills of the <br />City' <br /> <br />Mr. Walker spoke. (See Exhibit 73-15) <br /> <br /> 73-16 The following resolution was presented, and on motion of Mr. Smith, seconded <br />by Mr. Johnson, was adopted by unanimous vote: <br /> <br />"A RBSOLUTION CO~4BNDING MISS ELLEN S. BALLENTINE FOR HER SERVICES TO FHE <br />CITY OF PORTSMOUTH. <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, Miss Ellen S. Ballentine has served the City of Portsmouth for a period of <br />fifty-one years and three months; and <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, we are indeed proud of her loyal and ~aithful service of unusual length, it <br />being the longest period of employ~nent of a city employee in the past, as will be in the <br />future, and the manner in which she has performed her duties as Assistant City Auditor with <br />the utmost efficiency and dependability. <br /> <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council <br />this resolution be issued as an earnest expression <br /> <br />of the City of Portsmouth, Virginia, that <br />of appreciation for her long and honorable <br /> <br /> BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be presented to Miss Ellen S. <br />Ballentine, and that it be made a part of the permanent records of the City." <br /> <br />73-17 The following letter from Director of Planning was read: <br /> <br /> "'At its regular monthly meeting on 2 January 1973, the City Planning Commission reviewed <br />the following matter: <br /> <br />Petit&on-of Assistant City Attorney Claude M. Scialdone for Mr. Robe~Basham Of <br />453 Constitution Avenue. Mr. Basham has a dwelling located between North Street <br />and London Boulevard on the east side of old 10th Avenue. He is willing to ex- <br />change a strip of his property along North Street for the little triangle of land <br />between his home and London Boulevard. Attorney Scialdone and Assessor Jack <br />Wall~ae jollity-~¢ommen~a.pp~0Y/at ccf~tkisac~oa~h~ckh~ust ~e initia~ed:with <br />the City Planning Commission. <br /> <br /> The Planning Commission unanimously resolved to find that such an exchange of property <br />would be mn the best interest of the City of Portsmouth providing care is take~ to preserve <br /> <br /> <br />