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v. Submitting all recommendations to the Advisory Panel. The members of <br />the Advisory Panel shall discuss and vote on the recommendations. If <br />technical changes arc agreed to, the members of the Change Management <br />Committee will coordinate with their respective information technology <br />departments and CentralSquare to determine if the change(s) are possible, <br />and if so to implement the changes to the System. <br />VL MEETINGS <br />a. A quorum shall be fifty percent (50%) plus one (1) of the voting members of the <br />Advisory Panel. <br />b. Votes, recommendations, and actions require approval by a two-thirds vote of <br />members of the quorum of the Advisory Panel that are present. <br />c. The Advisory Panel shall provide at least fourteen (14) days advance notice to all <br />Member Agencies of items the panel will be voting on for recommendation. <br />VI[. WITHDRAWAL/TERMINATION <br />a. A Member Agency may withdraw from this Agreement for any reason. A <br />withdrawing Member Agency shall give the other Member Agencies sixty (60) <br />days' advance written notice of its decision to withdraw. <br />b. Withdrawal of a Member Agency shall be a partial termination, in that it shall <br />only serve to terminate the rights and/or obligations of the withdrawing Member <br />Agency and shall not alter the rights and/or obligations of the remaining Member <br />Agencies. <br />c. This Agreement shall terminate upon the date of the end of the agreed period or <br />any renewal thereof, upon a new Agreement by all Member Agencies that <br />terminates the present Agreement, or when all Member Agencies, or all but one <br />Member Agency, withdraws from the Agreement. <br />d. Upon the termination of this Agreement and the termination of any successor <br />Agreement, any joint property shall be returned to each of the Member Agencies, <br />if that property is intellectual or is otherwise property capable of being <br />distributed to multiple places. If there is physical property that can only be <br />returned to one Member Agency, it will be returned to the Member Agency most <br />closely associated with the property, or, if no Member Agency is most clearly <br />associated with that property, the property will be returned to the Member <br />Agency who appointed the most recent Chair of the Advisory Panel. <br />Vill. FINANCING/BUDGET <br />a. As this Agreement is for the sharing of real time dispatch and information <br />between Member Agencies, no budget is required pursuant to this agreement. <br />Each Member Agency shall bear their own costs associated with implementing <br />and maintaining their respective CAD systems. <br />