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Portsmouth and Norfolk, and upon the economies of the Hampton Roads region and the <br />Commonwealth of Virginia; and <br />WHEREAS, bills have been introduced in previous sessions of the Virginia General <br />Assembly which have not been approved, thus delaying reasonable consideration of strategies <br />for toll reform; and <br />WHEREAS, legislative support for a 2018 JLARC study, or such similar legislation as <br />may be offered, is a priority for the economic future and for the quality of life for the citizens of <br />the Cities of Portsmouth and Norfolk, for the Hampton Roads region, and for the Commonwealth <br />as a whole. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Portsmouth, <br />Virginia, that: <br />1. It respectfully requests each member of the Portsmouth delegation to the General <br />Assembly to cosponsor legislation in the 2018 Session of the General Assembly for the Joint <br />Legislative Audit and Review Commission (JLARC) to undertake a study in 2018 on toll reform <br />strategies for the facilities owned by the Commonwealth of Virginia but operated and managed <br />by ERC pursuant to the 2011 agreement between the Commonwealth and ERC, so as to evaluate <br />and recommend legal strategies by which that contract may be renegotiated and modified to <br />eliminate or mitigate the severe economic harm such contract has caused and will continue to <br />cause to the citizens of the Cities of Portsmouth and Norfolk and to the economies of the <br />Hampton Roads region and to the Commonwealth at large, and to identify fiscal strategies by <br />which the Commonwealth may eliminate or mitigate the unduly burdensome costs of tolls for the <br />use of the Downtown and Midtown tunnels. <br />2. It respectfully requests that the Portsmouth members of the House of Delegates <br />refrain from supporting the election of any candidate for Speaker of the House of Delegates who <br />does not actively support a study of toll reform for the agreement entered into by and between <br />the Commonwealth and ERC, including but not limited to the approval of a 2018 JLARC study <br />of the same. <br />This resolution shall be in effect upon its adoption. <br />ADOPTED by the Council of the City of Portsmouth, Virginia, at a meeting held on <br />January 3, 2018. <br />Teste: <br />City Clerk <br />