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R -18 -01 <br />A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY IN ITS 2018 SESSION <br />TO DIRECT THE JOINT LEGISLATIVE AUDIT AND REVIEW COMMISSION <br />(JLARC) TO UNDERTAKE A TOLL REFORM STUDY OF THE TUNNELS <br />OPERATED BY ELIZABETH RIVER CROSSINGS. <br />WHEREAS, the Elizabeth River separates the Cities of Portsmouth and Norfolk; and <br />WHEREAS, the Cities of Portsmouth and Norfolk are directly connected via the <br />Downtown Tunnels and the Midtown Tunnels that cross beneath the Elizabeth River; and <br />WHEREAS, in 2009, the General Assembly of Virginia recognized that the Downtown <br />Tunnels and the Midtown Tunnels are two of the most heavily traveled corridors in the <br />Commonwealth of Virginia; and <br />WHEREAS, these two tunnel corridors are vital to the movement of people, goods, and <br />services between the two cities and the entire Hampton Roads region, and <br />WHEREAS, the Virginia Port Authority, via the Port of Virginia, operates two marine <br />facilities in Portsmouth and one marine facility in Norfolk; and <br />WHEREAS, the activities of the Port of Virginia constitute ten percent of the <br />Commonwealth's total economy, and Port related traffic through these two tunnel corridors is <br />vital to the operation of the Port; and <br />WHEREAS, in 2011, using the provisions of the Public— Private Transportation Act, the <br />Commonwealth of Virginia, via its Virginia Department of Transportation, entered into a 58 -year <br />contract with Elizabeth River Crossings OPCO, LLC (ERC), to make certain improvements to <br />increase the capacity of the Midtown and Downtown Tunnels and their attendant bridges and <br />roadways; and <br />WHEREAS, the 2011 agreement grants ERC the authority to construct, maintain, and <br />operate the tunnel facilities for the 58 -year period deriving its revenue from the imposition of <br />tunnel tolls without any outside regulatory review even though the Commonwealth retains <br />ownership of all of the facilities that ERC operates within this agreement; and <br />WHEREAS, the tunnel tolls impose a severe economic hardship on the citizens of the <br />Cities of Portsmouth and Norfolk and the economies of both the Commonwealth and the <br />Hampton Roads region; and <br />WHEREAS, for the good of the Commonwealth and its citizens, it is necessary for the <br />Commonwealth to study toll reform for these two tunnels, to include but be not limited to the <br />identification of legal strategies to renegotiate the terms of the agreement entered into by and <br />between the Commonwealth and ERC, and to identify fiscal strategies for the buydown or <br />buyout of the ERC contract by the Commonwealth of Virginia, in order to limit and avoid the <br />several economic hardships this agreement has imposed upon the citizens of the Cities of <br />