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H. Jones, Jr. and Ingrid S. Jones); thence <br />southwesterly along the western line of said parcel to <br />the eastern line of McLean Street; thence <br />northwesterly along the eastern line of McLean <br />Street to the southeastern intersection of McLean <br />Street and Greenwood Drive, the point of beginning. <br />3. That the use permit is approved subject to the following conditions which <br />shall be observed by the applicant and any successor in interest: <br />(a) The occupant load of the restaurant facility shall not exceed 185 persons, <br />including staff and patrons, or as required by the Building Official. <br />(b) The restaurant's hours of operation shall be limited to Sunday from 10:00 <br />a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The restaurant may not operate during city-sponsored <br />events, golf events, and events involving the private rental of the <br />restaurant facility. <br />(c) The applicant shall obtain and keep current any required operating licenses <br />and shall operate in accordance with federal, state and local regulations. <br />(d) All taxes/fees associated with the property and/or the use shall be paid <br />when due. <br />4. REVOCATION OF PERMIT: Violation of any of the above conditions <br />may serve as grounds for revocation of the use permit by City Council. <br />ADOPTED by the Council of the City of Portsmouth, Virginia, at a meeting held <br />on January 26, 2016. <br />Teste: <br />City Clerk <br />