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operation of a restaurant at 1 Bide-A-Wee Lane, Portsmouth, Virginia, said property <br />being more particularly described as: <br />UP-15-13 <br />1 Bide-A-Wee Lane <br />(Tax Parce10500-0010) <br />THAT CERTAIN AREA OF LAND being, lying <br />and situate in the City of Portsmouth, Virginia, <br />encompassing approximately 129.11 acres, and <br />generally described as follows: <br />Commencing at the southeast intersection of <br />Greenwood Drive and McLean Street; thence <br />northeasterly along the southern line of Greenwood <br />Drive to the northwestern corner of Tax Parce10524- <br />0036 (now or formerly owned by 2945 Greenwood <br />LLC); thence southerly and southeasterly along the <br />western and southern lines of said parcel to the <br />southwestern corner of Tax Parcel 0524-0031 (now <br />or formerly owned by Cygnus Newport -Phase 1 C <br />LLC); thence easterly along the southern line of said <br />parcel to the western line of Tax Parcel 0524-0032 <br />(now or formerly owned by Cygnus Newport - <br />Phase 1 C LLC); thence southerly and easterly along <br />the western and southern lines of said parcel and <br />continuing along the southern lines of the parcels <br />constituting the southern edge of the Fairview <br />Heights neighborhood to the western line of Deep <br />Creek Boulevard; thence southwesterly along the <br />western line of Deep Creek Boulevard to the <br />northeastern corner of Tax Parcel 0483-0110 (now or <br />formerly owned by The Way the Truth and the Life <br />Church); thence westerly along the northern line of <br />said parcel and continuing westerly along the <br />northern lines of the parcels constituting the northern <br />edges of the neighborhoods of Stanley Court, South <br />Fairview Heights, Loxley Place, Gwaltney Acres, <br />and Garden Homes to the northwestern corner of <br />Tax Parcel 0496-0091 (now or formerly owned by <br />Kittrells Floor Service Inc.); thence northerly along <br />the eastern lines of the parcels constituting the <br />eastern edge of the Bide-A-Wee Manor <br />neighborhood to the northwestern corner of Tax <br />Parcel 0499-0320 (now or formerly owned by James <br />