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<br />WHEREAS, the Planning Commission also found that in areas where larger blocks are <br />maintained or will be created by the vacation of an existing right of way, vehicular parking <br />access roads and/or walks are required, including but not limited to the extension of Elliott <br />Avenue, to limit the perceived extent of the street blocks, which is also a stated goal in the <br />adopted Design Guidelines for Victory Village; and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, while closure of Campus Drive Extended will allow development of the <br />land within the closed street as part of a larger development site, the City remains committed to <br />development of the larger site and the entire Victory Village project within the standards <br />established by the Master Plan; and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, notice of the proposed closure and vacation has been given the adjoining <br />property owners in accordance with Section 15.2-2006 of the Code of Virginia, as amended. <br /> <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED, by the Council of the City of Portsmouth, <br />Virginia that Campus Drive Extended, as described above, be closed and vacated as a public <br />street and right of way all shown on the exhibit attached hereto and made a part hereof, subject to <br />the following conditions: <br /> <br />1. The final design of the right of way and streetscape for Elliott A venue shall be <br />consistent with the adopted Design Guidelines for Victory Village, dated February 9, <br />2007, with any such small deviations as needed subject to final review and approval by <br />the Director of Planning. <br /> <br />2. The final design of the three pedestrian plazas, one located at the intersection of <br />Freedom A venue and Elliott Avenue, another located at the intersection of Elliott Avenue <br />and John T. Casteen, III, Drive, and a third located at the traffic circle, shall be subject to <br />approval by the Director of Planning prior to the issuance of any land disturbing permit <br />for the property. The design intent of these areas is for them to be pedestrian friendly, <br />primarily hardscaped formal plazas designed to reflect the high-quality, pedestrian- <br />oriented, mixed-use nature of the development as a whole. The plazas will serve as a <br />backdrop for a rich and vital urban experience for residents, employers, workers, <br />students, and visitors alike. These plazas will contribute to the routine aspects of <br />everyday life and the occasional celebratory public events of civic display. These plazas <br />will be accessible to the general public and will contribute to a neighborhood to live in, <br />work in, play in, celebrate and remember, and at a minimum shall contain decorative <br />paving, lighting, landscaping, seating opportunities, and may contain optional elements <br />such as sculptures and/or fountains with these two items being at the discretion of the <br />master developer for the Victory Village project. <br />