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-2- <br /> <br />(lo) <br /> <br />The aggregate value of all pianos, organs, victrolas, phonographs <br />and recox~s zo be used therewith and all other musical instruments <br />of whatever kind, radio instruments and equipment° <br /> <br />(11) ~ne aggregate value of all oil paintings, pictures, statuary, curios, <br /> articles of virtue and works of art° <br /> <br />(12) The aggregate value of all diamonds~ cameos or other precious stones <br /> and all precious metals as ornaments or jewelry. <br /> <br />(13) The aggregate value of all boats or water craft under five tons burthen <br /> used for business or pleasure. <br /> <br />(14) <br /> <br />The aggregate value of all ships, tug boats, barges, boats or other <br />craft or five tons burthen or over and all other floating property, not <br />required to be assessed by the State Corporation Commissxon, used for <br />business or pleasure, together with their tackle, rigging, furniture <br />and all else that pertains to them or of any share or interest therein~ <br />though such boats or other water craft or any one of them may not be <br />at the time of the assessment in waters of the State. <br /> <br />(15) <br /> <br />The aggregate value of all other tangible personal property not herein <br />specifically enumerated, includin~ the value of all seines, pound nets, <br />lykes, wires and other devices for catching fish and the aggregate value <br />of all toll bridges, turnpike~ and ferries, except steam ferries owned <br />and operated by a chartered company~ and the value of all poles, wires, <br />switchboards, telephone or telegraph instruments, apparatus and other <br />such property, owned by any person~ firm~ association or company not <br />incorporated. <br /> <br />(16) Tangible Personal Property used or employed in trades and businesses <br /> hereinafter mentioned. <br /> <br /> Amusement business, including theatres of every kind and class; auctioneers, <br />barbers, including beauty shops, bowling, billard and pool rooms, collection agencies, <br />contractors, plumbers and steam fitters, educational institutions whose property is <br />taxable under the Constitution and laws of this State, garage business~ hospitals, <br />hotels, laundries, including cleaning, pressing and dyeing establishments, IodginE <br />and boarding houses, motor vehicle carriers, photographs~ restaurants, including eat- <br />ing houses and cafeterias, shoe shining business~ taxi-cab businese~ including the <br />business of motor vehicle hiring, transfer business~ and undertakers and funeral direc- <br /> <br /> The tax o~ machinery and tools for the City of Portsmouth, Virginia~ shall be <br />One Dollar ($1.00) on each one hundred dollars of assessed valuation thereof° <br /> <br />Classification of Machinery and Tools° <br /> <br /> This shall mean only machinery and tools used in a manufacturing or mining <br />business. <br /> <br /> <br />