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AN ORDINANCE IMPOSING AND COLLECTING TAXES ON REAL ESTATE, TAS~GIBLE <br /> PERSONAL PROPERTY AND MACHINERY WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF <br /> pCuRTS~OUTH, VIRGINIA, FOR THE PUF~OSE OF RAISING REVENUE FOR THE <br /> SUPPORT OF THE GOVE~T AND THE PUBLIC FREE SCHOOLS AND TO PAY <br /> INTEREST AND SINKING FUND ON THE PUBLIC DEBT FOR THE YFAR BEGINNING <br /> JANUARY 1~ 1950~ <br /> <br /> Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Portsmouth, Virginia, that for <br />the year begin~ing January t~ 1960, and for each year thereafter until an~uled by <br />ordinance, the following tax shall be placed on real estate, tangible personal pro- <br />perty and machinery within the limits of the City of Portsmouth~ for the purpose of <br />raising revenue for the support of the goverr~ment and the public free schools and <br />to pay interest and sinking fund on the public debt. <br /> <br /> The tax on real estate for the City of Portsmouth~ Virginia~ shall be Two <br />Dollars and Fifty Cents ($2~50) on each One Hundred Dollars assessed valuation there- <br />of. <br /> <br />Classification of Tangible Personal Property: <br /> <br /> The following shall be classified as Tangible Personal Property and taxed at <br />the rate of T~o Dollars and Seventy-five Cents ($2°?5) on each one hundred dollars <br />assessed valuation thereof: <br /> <br />(1) The aggregate number of horses, mules and other kindred animals and <br /> the value thereof~ <br /> <br />(2) The number of cattle and the value thereof~ <br /> <br />(3) The number of sheep and goats and the value thereof. <br /> <br />(4) The number of hogs and the value thereof. <br /> <br />(5) The aggregate number and value of all automobiles, motor trucks, motor- <br /> cycles and all other motor vehicles. <br /> <br />(6) The aggregate value of all animal drawn vehicles and bicycles. <br /> <br />(7) The aggregate value of all farming implements and tools of mechanics. <br /> <br />($) <br /> <br />The aggregate value of all felled timber~ ties, poles, cord wood, bark <br />and other timber products and all agricultural products, in the hands <br />or possessioB~ legal ~.conztruotive~ of a purchaser, provided that grain, <br />tobacco and other agricultural products in the hands of a producer of <br />the same are hereby declared exempt from taxation as property under this <br />ordinance. <br /> <br />(9) <br /> <br />The aggregate value of all household and kitchen furniture, including <br />gold and silver plates, plated w~re, watches and clocks, sewing machines, <br />refrigerators, automatic refrigerating machinery, vacuum cleaners and <br />all other household machinery, books, firearms, and weapons of all kinds. <br /> <br /> <br />