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(8) The aggregate value of all felled timber, ties, <br />poles, cord wood, bark and other timber products and all agricultural <br />products, in the h~uds or possession, legal or ccastructive, of a <br />purchaser, provided that grain, tobacco and other agricultural products <br />in the hands of a producer of the same are hereby declared exen~ot frcm <br />taxation as property under this ordinance. <br /> <br /> (9) The aggregate value of all household and kitchen <br />furr~ture, including gold and silver platSs, plated ware, watches aud <br />clocks, sewing n~chines, refrigerators, automatic refrigerating mackin- <br />ery, vacct~n cleaners and all other household machinery, books, firearms <br />and weapons of all kinds. <br /> <br /> (10) The aggregate value of all pianos, organs, victrolas, <br />phonographs and records to be used therewith and all other musical in- <br />struments of whatever kind, radio instruments and eqt~ipment. <br /> <br /> (11) The aggregate value of all oil paintings, pictures, <br />statuary, curios, articles of virtu and works of art. <br /> <br /> (12) The aggregate value of all diamonds, csmeos or <br />other precious stcr~s and all precious metals as ornaments of jewelry. <br /> <br /> (13) The aggregate value of all ships, tug boats, barges, <br />boats or other craft of five Tons burthen or over and all other float- <br />ing property, not required to be assessed by the State Corporation Co~- <br />mission, used for business or pleasure, together with their tackle, <br />rigging, furniture and all else that pertains to them or of any share <br />or interest therein, though such boats or other watercraft or any one <br />of them may not be at the time of the assessment in waters of the State. <br /> <br /> (14) The aggregate value of all other tangible personal <br />proper~y not herein~pecifically enumerated, including the value of all <br />seines, pound nets, lykes, weirs and other devices for catching fish <br />and the aggregate value of all toll bridges, turnpikes and ferries, <br />except steam ferries owned and operated by a chartered company, and the <br />value of all poles, wires, s~.rltchboards, telephone or telegraph in- <br />strm~ents, appartus anm other such property, owned by any person, firm <br />association or co~pany not inco~poratedo <br /> <br /> (15) Tangible Personal Property used or employed in <br />trades and businesses hereinafter mentioned: Amusement business, in- <br />cluding theatres of every k~ind and class; auctioneers, barbers, <br />including beauty shops, bowling, ~!lard and pool rooms~ collection <br />agencies, contractors, plur~ere and steam fitters, educational insti- <br />tutions whose property is taxable under the Constitution and laws of <br />this State~ garage business, hospitals, hotels~ laundries, including <br />cleaning, pressing and dyeing establishm~nts~ lodging and boarding <br /> <br />-2- <br /> <br /> <br />