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1970 Ordinances
1970 Ordinances
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Last modified
8/27/2001 12:50:29 PM
Creation date
6/28/2001 4:57:15 PM
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It s~a~l be Lu~lawf~l for ~ny person renu,lred by any pro- <br />vision of this a-~ticle to furr~sh s~ such report, to fur~ish in <br />such report ar~ false or fictitious ad~ess, or ar~' ad~ess other <br />t~h~n a true address or intende~ adch~ess, or <br />~ny such re~Ort~ s~ false~ untrue or mi~leadi~ inform~tio~ or <br />state-merit relating to s~ny informat~ an required b:~ any provision <br />of this srticle to be ~de or ~r~shed. <br /> <br />Sec. 7-~6. Filin~ Statements~ evc.~ Enspection Thereof. <br /> <br /> The stateme~Y~s, photogr%Dhs and finger~rints provided <br />for in section 7-~!2 sY~ll a~ all times be kept bp the chief of <br />police in'a file separate and apart fl~om other files and records <br />maintained and kept by the department of police and s?~ll not be <br />qpen to inspection by the public orby any person other t~n a <br />regular ~ember of the department of po!ice~ provided~ however, <br />that ~ny such photograph or duplicates thereof ney be exhibited <br />to persons other tP~npolice officers of the city for the pup- <br />pose of assisting in identifying perpetrators of ~ny crime. <br /> <br />Sec. ?-47. Copies of Statements, etc.~ Trmnsm~tted to Law ~a- <br /> forcement Agencies on Request. <br /> <br /> Copies of such statements, ph~to~aohs and fingeForints <br />referred to in this a~ticle m~y be trsmsmJtte~ to a~ law e~force- <br />menv. officer when reques~ is P~de in ~iting by such law eP~%rce- <br />men's officer askin~ for the record of a certain person n~med there- <br />in~ or for the record of a person ~lhose photograoh or fingerprints <br />reasop~ably correspond ~n_'th photo~aphs or fiN~er~rints submitted. <br />with such request; provided, that such ~,a~itten request states that <br />such record is deemed necessary for the use of such law er~force~ent <br />officer in or concerning hhe investigation of any crime~ or <br />person ~£no is accused of co~em_ftting a orL~e, or ~ny cr~e which is <br />reported to have been co_~.~ltted; and provided foPther~ that said re- <br />quest in ~iting shall state that the record will be used o~ly for <br />such p'd-~p_ ese. <br /> <br />Sec. ?-48. Exertion as to Persons Pardoned or on Probation. <br /> <br /> NothiNg i~n this article snell be deemed or construed to <br />a~l_bly to any person whc has received or ~gqo shall receive a full <br />ezad ~nconditior~l ?~don for each or any crime whereof he s~hsl! <br />ha~ze been convicted~ or to any person whc is or shall be on oro- <br />bation mnder the laws of the state~ or wbos~ probation perio~ <br />or~der the laws of the state shall r~ave e.~rpired without ~ny <br />cation of sucln prdpation b~vin~o4 been made. <br /> <br />Sec. 7-49, Penm!ty for Violation of ~mt!c!e. <br /> <br /> AP~y person violatir~_g s~}}, pro,~ision of this article snail <br />uaon conviction thereof, be pmm~shed by a fine of not e~'~ceeding one <br /> <br /> <br />
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