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AN ORDINANCE CLOSING A PORTION OF NASRViL?.R AVE.~=JE LOCATED BETWEEN <br />RANDOLPH STREET AND MT~ OLIVE CFi~ETERY (S-73-!7). <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, the City of Portsmouth, Virginia, has made ap- <br />plication to vacate, close and discontinue the h~reinafter des- <br />cribed portion of Nashville Avenue; an~ <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, by resolution of t~s Council, adopted January <br />8~ 1974, viewers were appointed pursuant to Section 15.1-364 of <br />the Code of Virginia (1950) as amende~ to view the hereinafter <br />portions of the said street and to report'in w~iting whether in <br />their opinion, any, and if any~ wha~ inconvenience would result <br />from discontinuing the below d~scribed street; and <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, the said viewers have reported in writing that <br />in their opinion no inconvenience would result from closing and <br />discontinuing said street° <br /> <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAII~ED by the Council of the <br />City of Portsmouth, Virginia, that that portion of Nashville <br />Avenue hereinafter described, be closed and vacated as a public' <br />street. <br /> <br /> Ail that certain piece or parcel of land, <br />lying and being in the City of Portsmouth, <br />Virginia, and comprising that portion of <br />Nashville Avenue described as follows: <br />BEGINNING at a point in the western right <br />of way line of Nashville Avenue which is <br />95.66 feet north of the northwest inter- <br />section of Nashville Avenue and Randolph <br />Street; thence S 85~40' E a distance of <br />60.00 feet, mor~ or less, to a point in the <br />eastern r~ght of way line of Nashville Ave- <br />nue; thence northerly along t~e eastern <br />right of way line of Nashville Avenue 174.42 <br />feet¥.more or less to the southern boundary <br />line of Mt. Olive Cemetery; thence N 79~22'14" <br />E along said boundary line a distance of 60.36 <br />feet to a point in the western right of way <br />line of Nashville Avenue; thence southerly <br />along said western right of way line a dis- <br />tance of 181.04 feet to the point of begin- <br />ning. <br /> <br /> Adopted by the Council of the City of Portsmouth, Virginia, <br />at a meeting held February 26, 1974o <br /> <br />Teste: <br /> <br />City Clerk <br /> <br /> <br />