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_ _. A~ ORDINALqCE TQ A~LEI~D ~HE. CODE_ OF T~ CITY OF PORTSI.fOUTH, VIRG/~NIA.,. <br /> 1973, BY AMENDING SECTION 4'0-48 THEREOF PERTAINING TO REQUIP~EMENTS <br /> FOR PARKING LOTS; AND AMENDING SECTION 40-76 THEREOF PERTAINING TO <br /> USES PERMITTED IN OFFICE RESIDENTIAL OR-75 DISTRICTS. <br /> <br /> Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Portsmouth, <br />Virginia: <br /> <br /> 1. That the Code of the City of Portsmouth, Virginia, <br />1973, be amended by amending Section 40-48 of said Code, such <br />amended section to read as follows: <br /> <br />Section 40-48. General requirements for parking lots. <br /> <br /> Where lots with .parking spaces, fo.r more than four (4) <br />cars are permitted or required in any district, the following <br />conditions shall be complied with: <br /> <br />(a) <br /> <br />The parking space required in any industrial <br />or commercial district shall be provided upon <br />the premises, or within five hundred (500) <br />feet thereof, such distance to be measured <br />along lines of public access to the property, <br />except that such off-pr~m4ses commercial or <br />industrial parking shall not be located wholly <br />or partially in a residential district. The <br />parking space required for any use located in <br />any residential district shall be located on <br />the same plot as the principal building, except. <br />that the parking spaces required for any ch%~rch <br />may be on a separate lot within five hundred <br />(500) feett as measured along lines of public <br />access thereto, of the plot on which the church <br />is located. <br /> <br />(b) <br /> <br />The parking area shall be screened from any a~- <br />joining premises used or zoned for residential <br />purposes with a solid wall or fence, or a com- <br />pact evergreen tree or shrub fence, located on <br />a strip of land not less than five (5) feet in <br />width, guarded with wheel bumpers. Where any <br />such parking lot-abuts a street line, wheel <br />bumpers shall be placed thereon and properly <br />maintained. <br /> <br /> <br />