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3. That it is cognizant of the conditions that sre im- <br /> posed in the undertak~ ~ud carryiDg out of urban renewal projects <br /> with Federal financial as~sistance under' Title I, including those- <br /> relating to (a) the relocation of site occupants~ (b) the provisions <br /> of local grants-in-aid (c) the prohibition of discrimination because <br /> of race, color, creed, or natio~l origin, and (d) the requirement <br /> that the locality present to the Secretary of Housing and Urban De-- <br /> velopment, as a prerequisite to approval of the application described <br /> below, a Workable Program for Commuoity Improvement, as set foPth in <br /> Section 101 (c) of Title I, for utilizing appropriate public and pri- <br /> vate resources to eliminate and prevent the 'development or spread of <br />~ slums and urban blight. <br /> <br /> 3. That it is the sense of this body (a) that a feasible <br />method for the relocation of individuals and families displaced from <br />the Urban Rene~t Area in conformity with Title I, can be prepped, <br />and (b) that the local grants - in - aid can ~_ud~will be provided in <br />ah amo~ut which will be not less than one-t ~hird of the Net Project <br />Cost of the Project and wkich, together with the Federal capital grant, <br />will be generally equal to the difference between Gross Project Cost, <br />and the proceeds or value of Project land sold, leased, or retained for <br />use in accordance with the urban renewal plan. <br /> <br />- ~I ~ 5. Taat the filing of an application by the Portsmouth Re- <br />m .d~velopment a~r~d Housing Authority for an advance of funds ~m the <br />~6ited States of America to enabl~ it to defray the cost of the sur- <br />~ v~ys and plans urban renewal project in the propgsed Urban <br />R~newal Area descrmbed above is hereby approved. <br /> <br /> Adopted by the Council of the City of Portsmouth, Virginia, <br />at a meeting held January 13; 1970. <br /> <br />~este: <br /> <br />City Clerk <br /> <br /> <br />