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shailhave jurisdiction to require refunding bonds, for <br />go6d cause shown by the city or any other person or party <br />in interest, prior To authorizing any distribution of <br />funds pursuant to any certificate issued or deposit made by <br />the'~ity. <br /> <br /> .~ 2,09. Sale of City Water Front, ~treets <br />Utmlltm s., Works, e~c. <br /> (a) The rights of the City of Portsmouth in and to <br />its Water front~ wharf property~ public landings, wharves, <br />docks, streets, avenues, parks, bridges and other public <br />places, and its gas, water and electric works, shall not be <br />sold~ except by a resolutio~ passed by a recorded affirmative <br />vote. of three-fourths of all the members elected to the council. <br /> <br /> (b) No franchise~ tease~ or right of any kind to use <br />any such public property or any_ other oublic proper~y or ease- <br />ment of any description in a manner not permitted to the <br />general public shall be granted for a longer period than-forty <br />years e~cept for air r_ghts togeoher ~mth easements for <br />columbus of support, whic~b may be granted for a period not <br />exceeding sixty years. <br /> ~ Before selling any such property, and before grant- <br />in~ any franchise, privilege, <br /> lease, or rmgn~ of any'kind to <br />~use any public property or easement of any description, for <br />a term in excess of five years, except in the case of and for <br />a trunk railway, ~ch~-city ~hatl first] after due advertisement, <br />receive bids therefor publicly. Such advertisement shall be <br />published for at least three days mn a newspaper publishe~ in, <br />or having a general circula'tion in, the City of Portsmouth. <br />Such bids may be upon such terms and may .be received im such <br />manner as the city manager may determine, unless the council <br />shall direct otherwise. <br /> Such granv_, and any contract in pursuance thereof~ <br />may .provide tna~_ .u. pon the t~m~na.~mon of the gran~ the <br />plant as well as the property, if:any~ of the grantee in the <br />streets-~ avenues~ and other oublic p~aces shall thereupon, <br />wm~hout compe~saomon ~o the grantee~ or uoon the payment of <br />a fair ....~a~ua~mon~ therefor, 'oeco.~e~ vne~ pro~er~y o£ the city~ <br />but the grantee shall be envdtled to no paymenv by reason of <br />~ .f_~.~cb~e. Any sue-~ olant or p-~ope-~rty acquired by the-- <br />c~y may be sold or leased· or~, u~less ~prohibited by general' <br />law maintained~, convrolled~ ~nd operate~by the city. <br />such grant_ shall specify the mode oF determining any valuation <br />therein provided for and shall make adequate provisions by~ way <br />of forfeiture of the ~rant, or otherwise., to'secure <br /> <br /> <br />