thence along a concrete bulkhead, N 81014'43'' E, 40.0 feet,
<br /> more or less; thence N 8°45'17" W, 40.0 more or less;
<br /> thence along a line parallel and 40 feet north of the
<br /> aforementioned concrete bulkhead, N 81°14'43" E, 356.7
<br /> feet, more or less, to the pierhead line for the Southern
<br /> Branch of the Elizabeth River; thence along the
<br /> aforementioned pierhead line, S 13°29'56" E, 11.3 feet,
<br /> more or less; thence continuing along the aforementioned
<br /> pierhead line, S 17°34'55" E, 266.1 feet, more or less, to the
<br /> centerline of an inlet; thence along the centerline of the
<br /> aforementioned inlet,
<br />
<br /> Beginning at the aforementioned wall, N 87°35'15"
<br /> E, 12.8 feet, more or less; thence S 63055'22'' W, 458.6
<br /> feet, more or less to the west right-of-way line of First
<br /> Street; thence along the west right-of-way line of First
<br /> Street, S 24035'58" E, 31.0 feet, more or less; thence S
<br /> 65°21'25" W, 136.4 feet, more or less; thence S 24°38'35"
<br /> E, 241.0 feet, more or less; thence S 65°21'25" W, 326.0
<br /> feet, more or less; thence N 24°38'35" W, 560.7 feet, more
<br /> or less, to the north right-of-way line of Wythe Street;
<br /> thence along the north right-of-way line of Wythe Street, N
<br /> 65degrees 16'14" E, 462.7 feet, more or less, to the west right-of-
<br /> way line of First Street; thence along the west right-of-way
<br /> line of First Street the following courses and distances: N
<br /> 24°36'05" W, 30.0 feet, more or less, N 21°44'08"W, 178.2
<br /> feet, more or less, N 24°32"37" W, 141.0 feet, more or less,
<br /> N 34°35'33" W, 54.2 feet, more or less, to a point of
<br /> curvature; thence along a curve to the left having a radius of
<br /> 590 feet, an arc distance of 67.5 feet, more or less, to the
<br /> centerline of the west bound Interstate 264 tunnel; thence
<br /> along the centerline of the aforementioned tunnel, S
<br /> 68°34'00" W, 416.7 feet, more or less, to the south right-of-
<br /> way line of the Crawford Connector; thence along the south
<br /> right-of-way line of the Crawford Connector, N 28°33'01"
<br /> E, 22.1 feet, more or less, to a point of curvature; thence
<br /> along a curve to the right having a radius of 390 feet, an arc
<br /> distance of 163.4 feet, more or less; thence continuing along
<br /> the south right-of-way line of Crawford Connector, N
<br /> 51°02'34'' E, 274.7 feet. more or less, to the point of
<br /> beginning.
<br />
<br />
<br />