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corporate city limits to its intersection at the Midtown Tunnel and the center line of the <br />Martin Luther King Freeway; thence southerly along the center line of said freeway to the <br />center line of London Boulevard; thence westerly along the center line of London <br />Boulevard to the center line of the track of the Norfolk and Portsmouth Belt Line <br />Railroad property; thence south along said railroad center line to the center line of the <br />track of the CSX Railroad (formerly Seaboard Coast Line Railroad) property; thence <br />northeasterly and southeasterly along said railroad center line to its intersection with the <br />center line of Elm Avenue; thence south along the center line of Elrn Avenue to the <br />center line of Randolph Street; thence easterly along the center line of Randolph Street to <br />the center line of Effingham Street; thence northerly along the center line of Effmgham <br />Street m the center line of High Street; thence west along the center line of High Street to <br />the center line of Chestnut Street; thence north along the center line of Chesmut Street to <br />the center line of London Boulevard, the point of beginning. <br /> <br />Sec. 10-47. Precinct No. 13. <br /> <br /> The boundaries of Precinct No. 13 shall be as follows: Beginning at the <br />intersection of the center line of Frederick Boulevard and the center line of the track of <br />the CSX Railroad (formerly Seaboard Coast Line Railroad) property; thence <br />northeasterly and thence southeasterly along said railroad property to its intersection with <br />the center line of Elm Avenue; thence south along the center line of Elm Avenue to its <br />intersection with Randolph Street; thence westerly along the center line of Randotph <br />Street to its intersection with the center line of Deep Creek Boulevard; thence southerly <br />along the center line of Deep Creek Boulevard to the center tine of Frederick Boulevard; <br />thence northerly along the center line of Frederick Boulevard to its intersection with the <br />track of the center line of the CSX Raikoad (formerly Seaboard Coast Line Raikoad) <br />property, the point of beginning. <br /> <br />Sec. 10-67. Precinct No. 35. <br /> <br /> The boundaries of Precinct No. 35 shall be as follows: Beginning at the <br />intersection of the center line of Churchland Boulevard and the center line of the track of <br />the Norfolk Southern Railway (formerly the Norfolk, Franklin and Danville Railroad) <br />property; thence northeasterly along said railroad property center line to the center line of <br />Cedar Lane; thence southerly along the center line of Cedar Lane to the center line of <br />I-Iatton Point Road; thence easterly along the center line of Hatton Point Road to its <br />intersection with Riveredge Drive; thence southerly along the center line of Riveredge <br />Drive to its intersection with Holly Cliff Lane; thence southeasterly along the center line <br />of Holly Cliff Lane to its intersection with the projected center line of the western branch <br />of the Elizabeth River; thence southerly along the center line of said river branch to the <br />center tine of High Street, West; thence northwesterly along the center line of High <br />Street, West to the center line of the track of the Norfolk Southern Railway (formerly <br />Norfolk, Franklin, Danville Railroad) property, the point of beginning. <br /> <br /> <br />