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the property for the purpose of illegally possessing, manufacturing or distributing <br />controlled substances. <br /> <br /> Fixture. A pole, street light, tree, tree box, tree stake, fire hydrant, fire alarm box. <br />trash receptacle, stand, wire, rope, public bridge, railroad trestle, drinking fountain, life <br />buoy or any other lifesaving eqmpment, standard serving as a base or support for a <br />directional sign, traffic regulation or control signal, sign or device and any other fixture <br />or structure, whether publicly or privately owned or whether permanently or temporarily <br />placed in, on or over a public way, but shall not include a fixture permanently attached to <br />a building, structure, pole or standard on private property serving as a base or support for <br />a sign and projecting over a part ora public way installed and maintained in accordance <br />with law; provided, that it is used only for advertising the enterprise of the occupant of <br />the premises. <br /> <br /> Inoperative motor vehicles means any motor vehicle, as defined in §46.2-100 of <br />the Code of Virginia, which is not in operating condition, or which for a period of sixty <br />(60) days or longer has been partially or totally disassembled by the removal of tires and <br />wheels, the engine, or other essential parrs required for operation of the vehicle or on <br />which there are displayed neither valid license plates, a valid inspection decal, nor a <br />current city decal. <br /> <br /> Non-weather resistant means any furniture, device or material capable of <br />absorbing moisture, not resistant te mildexv, rot or deterioration when subjected to <br />exposure to the elements or any item containing electrical circuitry, wiring or devices not <br />UL approved for exterior application. <br /> <br /> Occupant means a tenant or any person who is in control or possession of or <br />actually occupies land in the city. <br /> <br /> Owner means a person who holds beneficial ownership of any land in the city an <br />agent executor, administrator, trustee or guardian having charge, care, management or <br />control of any land in the city. <br /> <br />Property means real property. <br /> <br /> Public Way. A street (including any unimproved sections, sidewalk: alley, road, <br />highway, bridge, viaduct, subway, underpass, park, parkway, playfield, playground and <br />any other similar place in the City opened to and used by the public. <br /> <br />Refuse means refuse as defined in section 16-1 of this Code. <br /> <br />Sidewalk means a sidewalk as defined in section 1-2 of this Code. <br /> <br />Street means a highway as defined in section 1-2 of this Code. <br /> <br /> Weeds means any grass or plants out of place, wild or uncontrolled growth or <br />vegetation of every kind on any land. alley, sidewalk or street in the city, whether <br /> <br /> <br />