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<br />November 10. 2009 <br /> <br />At a Regular Meeting of the City Council on Tuesday, November 10, 2009, there <br />were present: <br /> <br />Mayor James W. Holley III, Vice Mayor William E. Moody, Jr., Stephen E. Heretick, <br />Elizabeth M. Psimas, Douglas L. Smith, City Manager Kenneth L. Chandler, City <br />Attorney G. Timothy Oksman. <br /> <br />Reverend Terry Taylor, opened the meeting with prayer, which was followed by <br />the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. <br /> <br />Mayor Holley called the meeting to order and welcomed all in attendance. <br /> <br />Motion by Mr. Smith, and seconded by Mr. Moody, to approve the minutes of a <br />Called Meeting of October 26, 2009, of a Called Meeting of October 27, 2009, of a <br />Regular Meeting of October 27, 2009, and of a Called Meeting of November 4, 2009, <br />and was adopted by the following vote: <br /> <br />Ayes: Heretick, Moody, Psi mas, Smith, Holley <br />Nays: None <br /> <br />- Public Hearing - <br /> <br />09 - 567 - Public Hearing on use permit, and code amendment applications: <br /> <br />(a) UP-09-13 <br /> <br />COLUMBIA PLACE - Friendship Temple Church requests a use <br />permit to operate a church at 800 and 812 Washington Street and <br />609 Columbia Street. The Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use <br />Map recommends Downtown Mixed Development. Vision <br />Principle: Pride of Past, Promise of Future. <br /> <br />1. Katrina Chase, 812 Washington Street, spoke in support of this item. <br /> <br />Motion by Ms. Psimas, and seconded by Mr. Heretick, to concur with the <br />recommendation of the Planning Commission that UP-09-13 be approved on first <br />reading, and was adopted by the following vote: <br /> <br />Ayes: Heretick, Moody, Psi mas, Smith, Holley <br />Nays: None <br /> <br />'" Mr. Smith recognized Delegate-elect Mathew James and congratulated him on being <br />elected to the Virginia General Assembly. <br /> <br />(b) CA-09-05 <br /> <br />DOWNTOWN - The City of Portsmouth seeks to amend Chapter 40 <br />of the City Code (Zoning) by comprehensively updating the <br />Downtown District zoning ordinance text regulations, including but <br />not limited to text pertaining to the 0-1 district, and to change the <br />zoning map classifications of this Downtown District and properties <br />generally adjacent thereto. The Comprehensive Plan recommends <br />the creation of a detailed Downtown Master Plan to specifically <br />define land use and development strategies for the City. Vision <br />Principle: Bold New Directions. <br /> <br />There were no speakers. <br /> <br />Motion by Ms. Psi mas, and seconded by Mr. Smith, to concur with the <br />recommendation of the Planning Commission that CA-09-05 be approved on first <br />reading, and was adopted by the following vote: <br /> <br />Ayes: Heretick, Moody, Psi mas, Smith, Holley <br />Nays: None <br />