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342 <br /> <br /> To,refer to Cemetery and Finance Committees jointly· with power to act, for an appropriation of <br />$85.?5 to cover the work of whitewashing the cemetery walls. <br /> To instruct the Public Property Committee to distribute the ~rniture in the former Co'~ncil Cham- <br />ber and old City offices among such City Officers as is thought advisable, and to dispose of the <br />mainder of the furniture~ if there be any, to the Highest bidder. <br /> To authorize the ~blie Property ~ommittee to have plan's prepared and presented to Council for <br />fitting up for the Treasurer, City Collector and Commissioner of Revenue, basement rooms in the Cou~tk <br />house formerly used by the City. <br /> ~o refer to Fire Committee to consider the advisability of ~tting paid men of the Fire Depart- <br />ment on the same basis as the Police Department~ that is~to say that they continue in office during <br />good behavior. <br /> To make award to W. L. Bess to whitewash the cemetery walls for $83.?5. <br /> To authorize the Treasurer to renew notes To amount of $51,000.00, falling due in May. <br /> To instruct the City Attorney to d~aft a contract~be~ween the City and the McGuirs Construction <br /> Company in regard repaying of High street, in the Sixth~. Ward. <br /> All of the above were concurred in. <br /> Board concurred also in all recommendations of Committees adopted by the Common Coun- <br /> <br /> k t s c i 0 e <br /> with instructions to consider a~so other devices for protection from fire. <br /> <br /> Third. Communications from the Mayor. <br /> The' Mayor ret,~ned his approval of the following matters adopted by the two branches of City <br />Council March ll-l$, 1913: <br /> To make available the f~tlowing i~ems in ~he "Budget" for 1913: Stroker F~lli~g· $1~000; Repairs <br />t? Asphalt~ $~000; ?ricks,?590; O~nt~gent,$§O0; Chestnut Street Sidewalk, $600~ Jefferson ~tree~ <br />S~dew~lk, $396; Fi~t~ Street S~dewa~k, $Z40S GlasgCw. Stree~ 8~dew~!~, ~851_G~oE ~tre~? Driveway, <br />f~om Chestnnt to Hatton, $600; Washington Street, bemween High a~ N~rta,'i~i, oo~ ~a~er ~xeem Pavmng <br />(Bond IsSUe)· ~,840; Di~iddie Street (BondIes~e), $?,500; Chestnut Street paVmng Sidewalk, from <br />High to King, ~$40.00. ~ · ~' ' <br /> To make a~ailable funds set aside in the "~Gdget for maintenance of six addi~monal street l~gh s. <br /> ~136.00 for lights for the Police Station~ out of "Contingent," said appropriation having been <br />left out of the "budget" ~for 1913. <br /> $144.00 for police phone service for lglS, said amount to be transferred from "Contingent." <br /> To authorize the Treasurer to make notes for $~0,000.00 to meet City expenses for Ma=ch, 1913, <br />said amount to be borrowed from Bond Account and no interest to be paid on same. <br /> To allow $857.?~ to the Sixth Ward, out o2 Bond funds· s~id amount to be repaid when its funds <br />are available. <br /> $~,~15.B0 ~o W. Wrenn & Sons, Inc.~ for an auto-patrol wagon supplied the City. <br /> To make available $3 000.00 allowed ~n the "budget for repamre to the Omty M~ryet. <br /> To make avad~lkble th~ following amOUnts allowed in th~ "budget" ?r 19~3: Mamntenance of In- <br />terior of Fire Houses, $300.00; Repairs ~o Hook & Ladder, $51.~0; ColAars, $~0.00. <br /> To make available ~ppropriation of $~t$.00 allowed in the "~udget" for three typewriters sup- <br />plied the Clerk of Court. <br /> To make available withim sixty days $i,§54.00 allowed in ~the "budget" for installing the "White <br />Way." <br /> To allow a special appropriation of $41§.95 to pay unpaid Fire bills fo~ the~year 1912. <br /> To make award to Oscie Dashiell to renew pipe line at the Jail· for $30.00. <br /> To make award to L~ Eirstein.& Co. to supply the Jail.with 1CC blankets, at $.~O_Der pair. <br /> To make award to M. ~M. Crock~n & Co. to ~upply the Jail with SOO mattresses, at $~OB each. <br /> To make award to N. V. ~earson for plumb~ng~a~ the Independent Engine 'House, for <br /> To make award to J. P. Holler to paint the Independent ~ng~ne House· for <br /> To allow the Chief~of the Fire Department to canvaes the City for Sale of Fmre Extinguishers. <br /> To allow the Park View Fire Company to hold a carnival on the "Phillips-Mahoney" lot for one week. <br />between April l~th and May Bth, and to exempt ~id Company ~rom paYment .of a license tax on same. <br /> Conditions suggested by Architect B. F. Smith on which the Municipal Building is to be received. <br /> <br /> Fourth. Reports of Officers and other unfinished business. <br /> <br /> The regular reports of Officers for the month of March, 1913, <br />to take the usual course. <br /> <br />were presented and were ordered <br /> <br /> The following ordinance ordered to lie on the table by this body March 18th were taken up, read <br />and adopted: <br /> <br /> AN ORDINANCE TO A~,~ND AND RE-ORDAIN SECTION 85 OF THE ORDINANCES IN RELATION TO MARKET HOURS. <br /> AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AND ~E-ORDAIN SECTION 18S OF THE ORDINANCES IN RELATION TO THE ELECTION <br /> <br />OF A BOARD OF HEALTH. <br /> <br /> And by the foll,~ing vote, <br /> <br /> Ayes~Waiker· Ballentine, <br /> <br />the vote being the same for each recommended ordznanc . <br />r~i~ett, Montague, Markham, Musty, Pil~· <br /> <br /> Regarding ~he Ordinance ~o Amend and Re-ordain an Ordinance Appzoved March -~3~ 1910, in Refer- <br />ence to Pawnbrokers and Junk Dealers, ordered to lie on ~the table by this body Mar~h 1Bth, a motion <br />was made to take same up from the table and adopt. <br /> Whereupon, Mr. Pile objected to the ordinance for several reasons given. <br /> Mr. Markham moved to amend Section 4 of the ordinance by~st:ikiAg out after the word "shall" <br />in the first li~e all words up to "not" in the third line. <br /> <br /> <br />