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September ~, t9i$. <br /> <br /> At a special meeting o3 the Board of Aldermen September Egrd there were present: <br /> <br /> Messre--C. W. Walker, President, Wo Jones Williams, Vice-President, <br /> M. M. Adams, L. Privett, So T. Montague, C. N. Markham, <br /> 0. Po Hurry, Henry Pile, 8. <br /> <br /> The ~roll" having been calleds Mr. Markham moved to adjourn. The motion was lost. <br /> <br /> In accordance with "ca!l~ for a joint session of this date, the Board proceeded to take up cer~ <br />rain matters under the head of ur~iniehed business. <br /> <br /> First. The following ordAnance ordered to lie on the table August l~th: <br /> <br /> AN ORDINANCE TO ~DOPT THE PROVISIONS OF THE ACT OF THE GE~P~L ASgEEBLY 0F VIRGINIA, ENTITLED, <br />~AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR DESIGNATION BY CITIES AND TOWNS OF SEGP~GATION DISTRICTS FOR RESIDENCE OF <br />WHITE AND COLORED PERSONS; FOR THE ADOPTION OF THIS ~CT BY SUCH CITIES AND TOWN-S, AND FOR PENALTIES <br />'FOR THE VIOLATION OF ITS TERMS;" APPROVED MARCH.las 19iS. <br /> <br /> The ordinance having been read, ~. Markham moved to adjourn. The motion was lost. <br /> <br /> Then the ordinance was adopted and by the following vote: <br /> Ayes--Walker, Williams, A~ms, <br /> Privett, Montague, Markham, Mur~y~ Pile, 8. <br /> <br /> Second. The following ordinance ordered to lie on the table September 16th was adopted: <br /> <br /> ~N OBDINANOE TO A~ND AND RE-ORDAiN SECTION ~$5 OF TR~ 'ORDINANCES OF THE CITY <br />TO THE POLICE FORCE AND FIXING TR~ C0~ENS~TION OF T~ OFFICERS AND MEMBERS OF TR~ <br />TO REPEAL ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLZCT F~REWITH. <br /> <br />WITH REF~ENCE <br /> <br />SAID FORCE, AND <br /> <br /> And by the following vote: <br /> Ayes--Watker~ Williams, ~dams, Privett, Montague, Hurry <br /> Pile, 7. ' <br /> Nays--Markham, I. <br /> <br /> Mr. Markham. again moved to adjourn. The motion was lost. <br /> (Present Mr. Davis). <br /> The following report of the Street Committee adopted by the Co,snort Council on this <br /> sented: <br /> Hon. Board of Aldermen. <br /> Gentlemen:-- We, your Street Committee beg to submit <br /> report: <br /> Referred by Common ~ouncil Sept. 9tho <br /> <br /> An application of the Cheaspsake & Potomac Telephone Company to lay a cable and build a manhole <br />at the foot of Cra.wfo~d street. <br /> We recommend that this application be granted, provided the City be allowed to maintain <br />two sets of wires therein, one for the Fire Alarm System and one for Police Service. <br /> <br /> (Signed) S.T. Montague, <br /> Chairman B. of A. <br /> <br /> The report having been read, Mr. Murry moved to adopt the same. The Vice-Chairman of the Com- <br />mittee stated reasons why the Telephone Oompany wished to lay this cable. <br /> Then the report was adopted and by the following vote: <br /> Ayes~Walker, ~il~iams, Adams, <br /> Privett, Montague, Markham, Murry~ Pile, 8. (Mr° Davis excused from votzng). <br /> The next matter taken up was an application of the Virginia Railway & Power Company to extend <br />an underground conduit from Hunter's lane to Dinwiddie street, ordered to lie on the table September <br />16th. <br /> The matter was discussed and, on motion of ~. Davis, was ordered to lie on the table until <br />next regular meeting of the Board. <br /> <br /> date was pre- <br />the following <br /> <br />Er. Markham moved to adjourn. The motion was lost. <br /> <br /> He then raised the point of order that there was not a quorum present and, <br />should be no consideration of the proposed measure. <br /> The Chair ruled that Mr. Markh~'s point was not well taken. <br /> <br />therefore, there <br /> <br /> The next matter taken up was the report of the Street Committee, adopted by the Common Council <br />September l~th, with regard to pavement on upper High street: <br /> <br /> "The City Council, "Portsmouth, Va., September 15th, 19i~. <br /> <br /> "Gentlemen:~ Portsmo~th,~ Va. <br /> "We, your S~reet Commzttee, beg to report that the work of paving High street: <br />west of Chestnut street, is progressing, but call your attention to the fact that just west of Chest- <br />nut street there will be, in High street, two street car tracks and one railroad track, and as the <br />roadway is only sixt~ feet wide, traffic on the south side of High street will, from time to times <br />be conpested, and to avoid this, we recommend that the Street Committee be authorized to narrow the <br />sidewalk eight feet on the south side of High street, beginning at Chestnut street and running west <br />to a point S~s~ east 9~ th~.pFopsrty of the Portsmouth Coal & Ice Comoanv. That thi~ <br /> <br /> <br />