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October Zl, 1913. <br /> <br /> Reports of the Auditor, Treasurer, and Sixth and Seventh Ward Boards for August, 1913. progress as to same. <br /> Report of the _~uditor of the following bills held up by him, because of lack of appropriation <br />or because they exceeded i/lZ of appropriation allowed for same: Almshouse, ~12.50; Public PrOperty~ <br /> .~ It is r~commen.ded that the Almshouse bill for ~iS. 50 be the Auditor in the u~ual <br />course .for such bmlls; that Public Property bill of E, B. Wilkins for $~6~00 be referred to the l~blic <br />Pro erty Committee for explanation concernin~g s~me, amd that bills of D. W. Nurden~for ~5.00. Ports- <br />mouth Star for $4.50, va. Towel Supply Co. ~or $13.10, and Va. Ry. & Power Co. to ~oun~ of <br />for Lights be =efer~ed to the Auditor. <br /> ~ request of the Treasurer to borrow $20~000.00 to meet current expenses for October, 1913. <br /> It is recommended that the request of the 'Treasure~ be ~anted~ and that the following r~ <br />solution be adopted therefor: Remolved That the Treasurer be, and he is hereby, authorize~ to make <br /> .... ~ .... ~,!_~.~+~, ~ ~e~s' B~k the Bank of Tmdewater, aha The First <br />notes in The Bane oi' Fozmsmoumn~ 'znc ~~ ~=$~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~0~' said ~ount to be <br />N~ational Bank of~Po~tsmouth~ to amount om' Twe~my ~-nousanG ~ ~,~.~ <br />paid~ f~om ~evenues ~ the City for the current <br /> A petition of the Civil and Police Justice ~o be p~ovided with a Clerk. <br /> ~ogress as to s~e.~ <br /> (With City Attorney). ~ communication from Watts & Hatton, attorneys for the Water Oompany, <br /> questing settlement for money due the Water C~pany by the City. Pro,ess. <br /> (With ~blic PrOperty Committee). ~atter ~ ~ approoriatio~ for Grimes Battery G~ RoOm. <br /> We reoort that t'he Oo~ittee are in hearty sympathy wi~ th~ movement for enlarging Grimes <br /> - ~ .. · ~ ..... the City, we a~e unable to <br /> Battery Gun Room~ but consmaermng the stringent fmnancm~l conGmtmen cz <br /> coEend the appropriation asked <br /> An appropriation of ~40.00 to paint the inside ~ the Union Fire Co~nany's building, ~t of ~un~ <br /> left over from p~chase of fire hose. <br /> It is recommended t~t the appropriation be not all~ed. <br /> To consider for the ~dget of 19!4 an appropriation to do away with ho=ses for the Fire Depa=t- <br /> men~ and to e~loy automobile equipment fo= the same. <br /> ~e ~eport that such an appropriation will be considered for the Budget of 1914. <br /> <br /> A copy of the School Board's ~nual financial statement. P~ogress. <br /> <br />Referred by Board of Aldermen September 16th. <br /> <br /> An application from the Commonwealth Attorney for an increase of salary. It is recommended that the application be not granted. <br /> <br /> To consider in the Budget of 1914 an appropriation for some kind of fire apparatus-for South <br />Portsmouth. Progress. <br /> <br /> (With Ordinance Committee). Proposition for establishing a Purchasing Committee to provide such <br />stores as may be needed for the City. Progress. <br /> <br /> To provide in the Budget of 1914 an appropriation of ~800.00 yearly, instead of $500.00, for the <br />Portsmouth Orphan Asylum. Progress. <br /> <br />ed <br /> <br /> Referred by Common Council June <br /> <br />Petitions of Jno. R. Jones~ Rebecca Hedges, Larkin~ B. <br />$1.80 each, paid in error.for soil tax for the year 191Z. <br /> It is recommended that said petitions be allowed, <br /> <br />10th. <br /> <br />Lester~ and Eddie L. Wa!ton~ <br /> <br />out of Sixth Ward funds. <br /> <br />to be refun~ <br /> <br />Referred by Common Council Nay lSth. <br /> <br /> much <br /> of <br /> ~±vo.uo, or as <br />!ice Justice. <br /> It is re~ommenaed <br /> <br />the same as may be neoessary~ for purchase of a filing case for the Po- <br />that an appropriation not to exoee~d $65.00 be allowed for the same. <br /> <br /> On December lC-l?, 191~, the Co~nittee reported a bill of F. L. Crocker to amount of $?5.00, <br />for legal services in the Seventh Ward, held up for lack of information concerning same, but having <br />since investigated the matter, we would recommend that the bill be paid, out of the first funds in <br />hand for the Seventh Ward; and that the Auditor be instructed to draw a warrant in favo= of ~. Croc- <br />ker for said ~motuut. <br /> (Signed) W. Jones Williams, <br /> Chairman. B. of A. <br /> <br /> The report havin~ been read, Nr. Pile wished to know_why the appropriation for the Annex bell <br />was not a~lowea, and Er. Langhorne replied that an appropriation of SZO0.O0 had been allowed in the <br />B~dget for the bell~and the Finance Committee wanted to know why the additional $150.00 was needed <br />fo~ the same. <br /> It was explained that the bell, platform., &c., wou~d cost $150.00 more than it was expected to <br />cost when the appropriation was first asked for. <br /> With regar~ to the bill of F. L. Crocker for $75.00, it was~ after some discussion, on motion of <br />Mr. Davis~ ~efe~red~to the~inancs~.Oommittee~for further consideration. <br /> Then the report of the Committee, as amended~ was adopted and by the following vote: <br /> <br />Ayes-~Waiker, Williams, Langhorne, Bailentine, Prmv~, Nontague, }~arkham, <br /> Davis, l{urry, Pile, lO. <br /> <br /> <br />