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November 18, 1913. <br /> <br />$511.50 and $404.50 to sewer Hunter's and Fastwood's lanes, respectively. <br /> We report 'that such appropriations will be considered for the Budget of 1914. <br /> <br />Reports of the Auditor, Treasurer, and Sixth and Seventh Ward Boards for ~eptember, <br /> Progress. <br /> <br />1915. <br /> <br /> A report of the Auditor of thc following bills held up by him, because of lack of appropriation <br />or because they exceeded 1/1E of approoriation allowed for same: Almshouse, $169.84; Police, $17.30; <br />Public Property, $~.55; Inoinerato~, $~8.00.; Sixth Ward, $985.88; Seventh ~a. rd, $355.0~. ~ <br /> <br /> It is recommended that Almshouse bzlis to amount of $169.84 be pared out of appropriation <br />to Almshouse; that a spec~ial appropriation of $17.30 b.e allowed to pay Police bills; that Public PrO- <br />perty bills to amount of $15.55 be paid out of appropriation to Public Property, and that a special <br />~ppro.pri.ation of~ $15.00 be allowed to pay P~blic Prop.erty bill of H. B. ~ilkins; that a specia~I ap? <br />~ropnatzon of $~8.00 be allowed to pay Incznerato~v bzlls; that Sixth Ward bills to amount of $988.88 <br />be pai~d out of ~i.xth Ward funds;..and that Seventh Ward bills to amount of $355.03, to which is to be <br />added $1~.25, makmng a total of. $~1.P~8, be allowed out of Seventh ~ard funds. <br /> <br />To make available $300.00 allowed for preliminary work of codifying the City Ordinances. <br /> It is recommended that a special appropriation ~ Said amount be allowed for the purpose. <br /> <br /> A petition of Joseph Ka~tan to be refunded $10.~0 paid in erro~ for taxes on northeast <br />of Fifth and Fayette streets for the year 1913. <br /> It is recommended ~hat said petitionbe allowed. <br /> <br /> A petition ef Madison J. Grimes to be paid $1.80 for erroneous assessment of <br />year 191~. <br /> It is recommended tha~ said petition be allowed. <br /> <br />soil tax for the <br /> <br /> (With Public Property Committee). <br />sorters. Progress. <br /> <br />petition of the City Sergeant for more room for Jail prl- <br /> <br />A bill of. R. H. Bagby to a~ount of $15.00, for defendtnt a prisoner by order of .Court. <br /> It ms recommended tha.t a special appropriation of $15.00 be allowed to pay said bill. <br /> <br /> Bills of ~he Water Company~ for hydr~ant rental in the Sixth and Seventh Nards far nine months <br />ending ~eptember ~0, 191Z, to amount of $1~650.00. Progress. <br /> <br /> A requeet of the Southern Commercial Congress that the City send two delegatea to ~aid GomEreZa <br />in Mobile, Ala., October ES, 19!3. Progress. <br /> <br /> A request of the Atlantic Deeper Waterway Association that the City appoint delegates to the <br />Sixth Annual Convention of said AsSociation' in Jacksonville, Fla., November 18-19-~0-21st~ <br /> Progress. <br /> <br /> A petition o~ the Amalgamated Business and L~bor 9rganizations of Norfolk amd Portsmouth for an <br />appropriation of$1, OOO.OO~to be~ used for campaig$ in interest of securing battleship constrUction <br />at the Naxmy Yard in this Czty. Progress. ~ <br /> <br /> A communication from the Sixth Ward Board, encl~sing a communication from F. <br />mending the completion of w~r~ on upper High street. <br /> We report that~thms mallei has been attended tO, <br /> <br />Referred by Board of Aldermen October ~lst. <br /> <br />J. NcGuire, recom- <br /> <br /> Reeommitted. ~ill of F. L. Crocker to amount of $~5.00, fgr legal services in the Seventh Ward. <br /> It is. recommended that a special appropriation to said amount be allowed to pay the bill, <br />out of Seventh Ward funds. <br /> <br />A bill of B. F. Long.for $69.00, for serving notices in connection with dog t~xe~, &c. <br /> It is recommended that a special appropriation to said amount be allowed to pa~ the bill. <br /> <br /> A petition of the School Board for an appropriation of $?,GQO. OO-to pay teachers, <br />bills of the public schools for'tHe month of October, 1913. <br /> We report that this appropriation has been allowed. <br /> <br />Janitors, and <br /> <br />To co, sider f6r the Budget of 1914 an increase of salary for the Commonwealth Attorney. <br /> We report that this increase will be considered for the Budget of 1914. <br /> <br /> Referred by Common Council September 9th. <br /> <br />A petition of the Civil and Police J~s$iee to be provided with a Clerk. <br /> We report that this matter will be considered for the Budget of~I914. <br /> <br />Referred by Common Co~mncil May 14, 191E. <br /> <br /> A petit$on of W. E. Reid to have refunded him $1.~5 collected in error for taxes for t~e <br />1911. <br /> It is recommended that said amount be refunded him. <br /> <br /> It is further recommended that the bond of F. <br />upper High street, be accepted. <br /> (Si~ned). <br /> <br />year <br /> <br />J. McGuire, given for continuing pavement <br /> <br />W. Jones Wiiliame, <br /> Chai~mmm B. of A. <br /> <br />on <br /> <br />On motioD, the <br /> ~illiams, <br /> <br />report of <br /> <br />Eanghorne, <br /> <br />the Committee was adopted and by the following vote: <br /> Ayes--Walker, <br /> Ballentine, Adams, Privett, Markham, Davie, Nutty, Pile, 10. <br /> <br />Streets-- <br /> <br /> <br />