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$ctober 14, 19iZ. <br /> <br />Authorized to advertise for bids for coal for the Sewer Power House for + o <br /> ~h~ incoming year. <br /> <br /> Ferry Committee-- <br /> A communication from the Commonwealth Attorney of Norfolk County~request- <br />lng the Council to authorize the City Attorney to unite with him in suing The Ferries Co. for <br />failure to keep the ferry in operation in accordance with contract. <br /> <br />On motion, adjourned. <br /> <br />October. S4, 191Z. <br /> <br />At a special mee%ing of the Common Council October 24th there w~re present: <br /> <br />Messrs--W. O. Corbitt, President, Jno. Howard Hall, Vice-President, <br /> T. F. White, J. T. Hanvey, C. H. Herbert, Wm. Hedges Baker, <br /> J. Ed. Johnson, W. L. Walker, W. J. Cross, Ohas. J. Withy, <br /> E. B. Hawks, H. H. Parker, Charles Beisel, Nark Saunders, 14. <br />Absent--Geo. R. Parrish, Geo. D. Dewson, A. Aug. Bilisoly, M. Goodman, <br /> ~ H. C. Reynolds, C. L. Tyler, S. B. Hutohins, Thcs. P. Cooke, 8. <br /> <br /> The following directions for the called meeting were read: <br /> .Portsmouth, ~a., Oct. SS, 1913. <br /> ~Mr. L. P. 8later, <br /> City Oi~k, City. <br /> Dear Sir:-- <br /> You'will please call a special meeting of the Common Council for Friday, Octo- <br />ber B4th, S o'clock P. M., to consider: <br /> First. An appropriation of SB, O00. O0, adopted by the BOard of Aldermen October ~lst, for <br />extending the pavement on upper High street to Ninth avenue. <br /> Second. An appropriation of $?,000.00 to pay teachers, janitors, and bills of the p6blic <br />schools for the month of October, 1~1~, referred to the Finance Committee by the Boa~d of Alder- <br />men at its last meeting, -- <br /> Very truly, <br /> <br />(Signed) W. C. Corbitt, . <br /> President Common Council. <br /> <br />The "call" having been read, the following report of the Finance Committee was read: <br /> <br />Hon. Common Council. <br /> Gentlemen:-- Your Joint Finance Committee desires to report further <br /> <br />on the following matter referred to them April Sth, 1915: <br /> <br />tion <br />with <br /> <br />To provide $~,045.60 to continue improvement work on High ~treet to City limits. <br /> We have considered this matter with the Street Committee~ and recommend an appropria- <br />of SE~O00.O0 for the purpose, provided s~id amount i$ returned to the City by the Sixth Ward <br />interest. · <br /> <br /> Your <br />Board of Aldermen October ~iet: <br /> <br /> A o~tz~mon of the School Board for an appropriation of $~,000.00 to pay teachers~ janitore~ <br />and bii~s for the month of October, 191~. <br /> It is recommended that a special appropriation to said amount be allowed. <br /> <br />Commmttee desires to report further on the following matter referred to it by the <br /> <br />(Signed) Jnc. Howard Hall, <br /> Chairman C. C. <br /> <br /> On motion, the report of the Committee was adopted and by the following vote: <br /> <br /> On Appr~oriation of $~,000: <br /> Ayes--Corbitt, Hall, White, Hanvey, Herbert, Baker, Johnson, <br /> Walker, Cross, Withy~ Hawks, Parker, Beisel, ~aunders, 14. <br /> <br /> On Appropriation of $7,000: <br /> Ayes-~Corbitt, Hall, White, Hanvey, Bilisoly, Herbert. <br /> Baker~ Johnson, Walker, Cross, Withy, ~awks, t~. <br /> (Br. Bilisoly was not present to vote on the appropriation of SB, O00.O0). ~ <br /> <br />The Chairman of the Finance Committee then asked for unanimous consent to p~es~nt a bond <br />o~ The.Bank of T~dewater, Inc~, g~ven, as requmred of mt~ by resolutmon of April 8-1Bth allow- <br /> g amd Ban~ to ~unnel under the smdewalk mn front of ~ts new bumldmng. <br /> He stated that the .bond had been approved by the Committee ~with recommendation that it be <br />accepted. <br /> The request wa~ granted and then, on motion, the bond was gecepted and by the ~ot~low- <br /> <br /> <br />