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298. <br /> <br />July 14, '1914o <br /> <br /> Light Committee-- Petition of sundry property owners an~ residents on Holladay street <br />that a light be placed at the corner of Holladay and Chestnut streets. <br /> <br />On motion, adjourned. <br /> <br />August !t, 1914. <br /> <br />At a re~lar meeting of the ~mm~n~Coum¢il August llth there were present: <br /> <br />Mesars--W. C. Oorbitt, President, JUG. Howard Hall, Vice-President, <br /> re <br /> mFs Nhite, Geo. R. Parrish, J. T. Hanvey, C. R. Herbert, <br /> Joe. S. Moore, J. Ed. Johnson, N. J. Oross~ E. B. Hawks, <br /> S. B. Houghton, Thcs. P. Oooke, <br />A~sent~-C~e. D. Dewson, A. Aug. Bilisoly, M. Goodman, Albert Lassiter, <br /> H. C. Reynolds, S. B. Laylo~, C. L. Tyler, W. D. Morgan, <br /> Charles Beisel, Mark Saunders, lC. <br /> <br />The minutes of regular meetings June 9th amd July 14th were read and were approved. <br /> <br /> REPORTS OF COM}~IITTEES. <br /> Auditing--. <br /> Reported having examined bills against the City for the month of July, 1914, <br /> <br />and they foot--ended th~ payment of sams to the following am~mnts: $6,565.10 for the Ci-ty Pro- <br />per; $~?.75 for the Sixth Ward; and ~"I~:~'OS; for the Seventh Ward. <br /> <br /> The reoort havln~ been read, the Olerk stated for the Chairman of the Auditing Com- <br />mittee tha~ there were sundry other b[llsts amount of $1,085.64 for the Cmty Propers. $1S9.47 <br />for the Sixth Ward; and $1.~0 fo~ the Seventh Nard which, though approved by one Chairman only, <br />he would recommend for payment, believing said bills to be-correct~ <br /> Whereupon, ~en~motion~ all the~bills presented for payment were allowed and by the fol- <br />lowing vote: <br /> Ayes--Oo~bitlt, Hall, White, Parrish, Hanvey, Herbert, Moore, JOhnson, Cross, <br /> Hawks, Houghton, Oooke, <br /> <br />Finance-- <br /> <br />Hon. Oommon Council. <br /> <br /> Gentlemen:-- Tour Einanoe Oommittee respectfully reports <br /> herein concerning the fol!owing~matters referred to the Joint Finance Committee July l~-Si~ June <br /> <br />i 9-t7, and May 1~, 1914: Referred by Oommon Oouncil July 14th. <br /> <br /> An appropriatiom to supply the Sewer Power House with ?GO tons, more or less, <br /> steam coal, at $.~.0S per ton. <br /> It is resommended that an appropriation to pay for said coal be allowed. <br /> <br />of Pocahontas <br /> <br />Reports of the Auditor, Treas~mer, and Sixth and Seventh ~ard Boards for June, 1914. <br /> Progress as to same. <br /> <br /> A request of the Treasurer to borrow $S0,000. to meet Oux~ent Expenses for August~ 1914. <br /> It is recommended that said request be granted~amd tha~the following resolu%lon be <br />adopted to cover same: <br /> Resolved, That the Treasurer be, and he is he~e~y, authorized to make <br />notes in The Bank of Portsmouth, The Merchants' & Farmers' Bank, the bank of Tidewater, and The <br />First National Bank of Portsmouth, to amount of Twenty Thousand Dollar~*($~O,O00. O0), to meet <br />Ourrent Expenses for the month of August, 1914; said amount to be repamd from revenues of the <br />City for the current yea~. <br /> <br /> A report cf. the Auditor of. following bills held up by him, because ~f lack of appropriation <br />or because they ~xsee~ded i~iB o~ appropriatio~ allowed for same: ~lmshonse, $~.00; Board of <br />Health, $7.83; Fire, $2.~0; T~aah ~ Garbage,.$11?.O0; Sixth Ward~ $1,178.?B; and also a bill of <br />Eas~er~ Dredging Co. to amount of $1,47~..07, held up ~ ~nstruc~iens f~om t~ ~ayor. <br /> It i~ recommended t~t said bmlls be allowed. <br /> <br /> (With Power to Act). To make available $4, B~0. £o~ land purchased for the extension of <br />Dinwiddie street. <br /> wam~an~s to cover ~ounte due <br /> Ne report that we have instructed the Auditor to issue ~ ~ <br />for said extension. <br /> <br /> <br />