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Sep%ember 1, 1914. <br /> <br /> A special meeting of the Common Council was held on September 1st in accordance with the <br />following request therefor: <br /> "Portsmouth, Va., August rS, 1914. <br /> <br /> .Dea~ Sir:-- <br /> nYou are requested by several members'of the Common Council to attend a meet~ <br />ing of~that body Tuesday, September Ist, at 8.o'clock P. M.--~ "First. For organization. <br /> "Second. To fill vacancies in the body caused by failure of the following elected members <br />thereof to qualify: From First Ward,.E.D. Clements, T. A. Bunting; Second Ward, Emmett De~s; <br />Third Ward, J. E. Shellings. <br /> "Following, there will be a Joint Session~of the two branches (the Board of Aldermen con- <br />cutting), to fill a yacancy on-~he ~chool Board from the Fifth Ward, caused, by failure of John <br />F. Wilson, elected theretg, to qualify; ~nd to fill a vacancy on the Seventh Ward I~provement ~ <br />Board, caused by resignation of W. E. Wh~tehurst therefrom. <br /> "And such other business as the body may deem proper to consider. <br /> <br />"Very truly, <br /> <br />"L. P. Slater, <br /> <br />City Clerk." <br /> <br />The following named qualified members of the body were present: <br /> <br />Messrs--L. B. Plummer~ M. T. Cain~ W. C. Corbitt, C. H. Herbert, <br /> Jos. S. Moore, J. Byron Whitehurst, H. L. Flemming, <br /> S. B. Laylor, S. T. Montague, Jr., H. C. Reynolds, <br /> Earl H. Wright, W. D. Morgan, Grover C. Wright, <br /> F. P. Baldwmn, R. L. Moore, 15. <br /> <br /> Thereupon, the Clerk made known that the first thing in order would be the eie0tion of a <br />tempo=ary~0hairman of the body, and Mr. Jos. S. Moore was elected said Chairman. <br /> The Chairman then asked for nominations for President of the body for the incoming <br />years andMr. W. C. Corbitt was nominated and elected, without opposition, and by the following <br />vote: <br /> Ayes--Plummet, Cain, Herbert, Moore, Whitehurst, Flemming, Laylor, Montague, <br /> Reynolas, Wright (Earl H.), Morgan, Wright (Grover C.), Baldwin, <br /> Moore,~ 14. <br /> (Mr. Corbitt be~EgeEcused from voting). <br /> <br /> Next,.the Chairman called for nominations for Vice-President, and Mr. C. H. Herbert was <br />nominated and elected, ~withoUt opposition, and by the following vote: <br /> Ayes--Pi?~er~ Cain/ <br /> Ba!~wi~~ Moore,~Whitehure~, Fle~ing, Laytor, Eontague, Reynolds, Wright (Earl H.)~ <br /> Morgan, ~ight (Grover C.), Moore (R. L.), Corbitt, 1~. <br /> (~Lv. Herbert being excused from voting). <br /> <br /> The Presidant took the-Chair and he and the Vice-President thankedtthe body for the honor <br />conferred upon them~ <br /> <br /> T~e CDair then called for nominations to fill vacancies ~n the body from the First, Second~ <br />and Third Wards~ <br /> ~e~pon, Messrs. E. S. Burgess and T. F, White were nominatedfrom the First Ward, <br />O. E. <br />~e~mnS~O~ the Second Ward, and J. E. Snellings from the ~hirdLW~3~d; and there being <br />no Sther ~o~inations~ they were elected and by the following vote, the vote being the same for <br />each: <br /> For-~Piummer, Cain, Corbitt, Herbert, Moore~ Whitehure~, Flemming, Laylor, <br /> Monta.gue, Reynolds, Wright (Earl H. ), MOrgan, <br /> Baldwin, Moo~e (R. L.)~ <br /> <br />Messrs~ ~ ~Eess and hmte before the and took in the body. <br /> i~ ~ ~ ~ualified Clerk their seats <br /> <br /> The Chair next stated~.that in accordance with provisions of the Law for same, the members <br />would draw ~r ~h~ long an~ short terms. <br />On that the First ~ard should have one member for the long and two <br />for the the Fourth Ward should have. three members for the long and two for <br />the <br /> ~hen balloting for ~he long and short terms of members of the body showed the following <br />results: <br /> For the Long Term: <br /> From First Ward, T. F. White. <br /> From Segond Ward, W. C. Corbitt, C. H. Herbert, J. T. ~nvey. <br /> From Third~ Wsl~d~~. Jj~E. f Shellings. <br /> From Fou~th. LEa~l H. Wright. ~. L. Flemming, H.' C. Reynolds. <br /> From Fifth Sard, Grover C. Srmght. <br /> From Sixth Ward, S. B. Houghton. <br /> From Seventh Ward, R. L. Moore. <br /> <br />t hat <br /> <br />For the Short Term: <br /> <br />From First Ward, E. S. Burgess, L. B. Plummet. <br />From Second Ward, Jos. S. Moore, C. E. Hutchins, M. <br />From Third Ward, J. B..Whitehurst. <br />From F.ourth Ward, S. B. Laylor, $. T. Nontague, Jr. <br />From Fmfth Wa~d, W. D. Morgan. <br />From Sixth Ward, F. P. Baldwin. <br />From Seventh Ward, B. S. See. <br /> <br /> On motion, the body then adjourned to go into a Joint <br />body concurring. <br /> <br />T. Cain. <br /> <br />Session with the Board. of Aldermen, <br /> <br /> <br />