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September @, 1914. <br /> <br />deplorable condition of the City fire alsmm wires. <br /> <br /> Public Property Committee-- <br /> (With Finsmce Committee). Request of City Sergeant for a new <br />heater at the City Jail. <br /> Amthorized to advertise for coal and.wood for the public buildings for the winter season. <br /> <br /> Fire Oommittee-? <br /> A communication from B~s~ess Men's Association calling attention to need <br />of fire plugs ~t the corner of South street, extended, and Des Moines avenue. ~ <br /> <br /> Almshouse Committee-- <br /> Authorized to advertise for bids to furnish the poor of the <br />with medicines and the Almshouse with rations for the year 1915. <br /> <br />City <br /> <br /> Water Committee-- - <br /> (With Sewerage Committee). A request of the Board of Health to have <br />placed sewer m~_~ns in. the following streets of the City~ ~Bart, between Court and Middle; Grif- <br />fin, between Washington and Dinwiddie; Effingham, betwe~nScott and Duke;'~irginia, between <br />Randolph and Henry; and Sulliwans Court on Fayette street, between Third and Fourth. <br /> <br />The Chair announced the appointment of members to Committees as follows: <br /> <br />RUDES~Jos. S. Moore, Chairman; C. H. Herbert; W. D. Morgan. <br />AUDITING~ ~D~M~E~.S~.~gess., Vice-Chairman; S. B. Houghton; S. T. Montague, Jr. <br />FINANOE--J. T. Hanvey, Chairman; Joe. S. N0pre; E. ~. Burgess. <br />STREETS--Joe. S. Moore, Vice,Chairman; W. ~. Morgan, H. L. Flemm~ng. <br />PUBLIC PROPERTY & SCHOOLS--M. T. Cain, Vioe~Chairm~; S. B. Laylor; J. E. Snellings. <br />FIRE~-C. H. Herbert, Chairm~u; H. C. Reynolae; J. B. Whitehu~st. <br />0RDINANCES--S. B. Houghton, Vice-Chairman; L. B. Plummer; Grower C. Wright. <br />ALNSHOUSE--J. E. Shellings, Chairman; B. S. Bee; H. C. Reynolds. <br />CEMETERIES-~C. E. Hutohins, Ch~.irman; ~. T. Nontague, Jr.; Robt. L, Moore. <br />LIGHTS--S~ B. Laylor, Vice-C~irman; F. P. Baldwin; Robt. L. Moore. <br />WATER & SEWERAGE--T. F. White, Chairman; M. T. Cain; L. B. Plummet. <br />FERRIES & PUBLIC D00KS~-Graver C. Wright, 0hairman; J. B. Whitehurst, F. P. Baldwin. <br /> <br />POLIOE--Earl H. Wright, Chairman; B. S. Bee; <br /> ! <br /> <br />C. E. Hutchins. <br /> <br />adjourned, <br /> / <br /> <br /> . <br /> <br />September 25, 1914. <br /> <br />At a special meeting of the Common Council s~ptembe~ 2Sth Shore were present: <br /> <br />Mess~s--w. C. CorbiSt, President, C.. H. Herbert, Vice-President, <br /> T. F..~hite, E. S. Burgess, J. T. Hanvey, J. Byron Whitehurst, <br /> J. E. Shellings, H. L. Flemming, S. B. Laylor~ W. D. Morgan, <br /> Grower C. ~right, F. P. Baldw%n, RobS. L. Moore~ <br />Absent--L. B. Plummet, M. T. C$in~ Joe. S.~ Moore, C. E. Hutchins, <br /> S. T. Montague, Jr., H. C. Reynolds, Earl H. Wright, <br /> S. B. Houghton, B. S. Se~, 9. <br /> <br />The following directions were read for the special meeting: <br /> <br /> "Portsmouth, <br /> "Mr. L. P. Slater, <br /> City Clerk, City. <br /> "Dear Sir:-- <br /> "You will please call a special meeting of the Common Council <br />September E5th, at 8 o'clock P. M., to take steps fo= authorizing the issue of a <br />to take up coupons held by the City banks, now past due. <br /> "The matter is urgent and requires im~edl&te attention. <br /> <br />Va., September 24, 1914. <br /> <br />for Friday, <br />note for $20,000. <br /> <br />"Very truly, <br /> THE JOINT FINANCE COM~ITTEE." <br /> <br /> Whereupon, the Chairman of'the Finance Committee state~ t~at the meeting of the body was <br />held ~?n request'~ his Committee in order to make the app~°P=iatmon for takmng up City coupons <br />held ~n the banksand to meet other City expenses for September; that to make the appropriation <br />legal it was necessary to have it referred to the Finance Committee for report at a future date; <br />and he moved that said appropriation be referred to the Esmmitte~oT2eport to the body Satur- <br />day evening September ESth. The motion was adopted. <br /> <br />On motion, adjourned to September <br /> <br />26th. <br /> <br /> <br />