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December 29th, 1914. <br /> <br />At a special meeting of the Common Council December Egth there were present: <br /> Messrs--C. H. Herbert, Vice-President, J. H. Branch, T_. F. White, <br /> M. T. Cain, E. S. B~rgess, J. T. Hanvey, Joe. S. Moore, <br /> C. E. Hntchins, J. Byron Whitehurst, S. B. Laylor~ <br /> H. C. Reynolds, Earl H. Wright, Grover C. Wright, <br /> Robt. L. Moore, B. S. See~ 15. <br /> i Absent--N. C. Corbit~t, J. E. Snellings, H. L. Fiemming, <br /> S. T. Montague, Jr., W. D. Morgan, S. B. Houghton, <br /> F. P. Baldwin, 7. <br /> <br /> The following directions for the apecial meeting .were read: <br /> "Portsmouth, Va., Dec. El, 1914. <br /> "Dear Sir:-- <br /> · There~'~asuao c~uorum at the meeting of the ~Councils called for .last evening <br />December SEnd, but tho~e present decided te request you to attend a see_ting for Tnesday, DoteS-- <br />bet Z~h, at 7;$0 P. M., to consider the Budget and the other matters proposed for consideration, <br />of which matters you have already been heretofore notified. <br /> <br />"Very truly, <br /> <br />"L. P. Slater, City Clerk." <br /> <br />The Vice-President of the Common Council presiding. <br /> <br /> The "call" having been read, Mr. Hanvey moved to take up the Budget as adopted in Joint <br />Session of this date, namely, the .Budget as presented by.the Joint Finance Committee with the <br />following amer~dments thereto: An mncrease of salary of $30.0.00 per year for the Commonwealth <br />Attorney~and the City Co~leo~or allowed a stenographer at SAg0. per year. <br /> The motion was adopted, and the Budget .was .read as follows: <br /> <br />Hon. Common Council--Board of Aldermen. <br /> Gentlemen:-- Your Joint Finance Committee presents <br /> <br />herewith for your adoption the Budget for 1515 and in so doing desire.~to say that they have <br />spent much time and have taken much pains to make it acceptable to you and to the several eom- <br /> <br />mittees. <br /> <br /> While your Committee have not seen their way clear to recommend the full amounts requested <br />for the several City Departments and, in some. cases, all of which it was desired even by us to <br />recommend,~ we have put down all that it is beAieved the funds of the City could bear; fOr~it <br />must be borne in mind constantly that appropriations should be made out of anticipated receipts <br />only, as you can not give more than you receive. <br /> <br /> These appropriations are intended to cover the total expenses of the several departments <br />for the year 1~t5 and, therefore, we wish to caution the committees against the making of extra <br />exp~nses calling for an addition to the City's floatingdebt, alreadytoo large, which we be- <br />lieve.can not be increased by notes in bank, even if it were desirable to make such notes. <br /> <br /> However, should the expenses ~ any department proove t'o be less than the appropriated ex- <br />penses for same, or should the City receive any funds from u~extoe~ted ~ources, this Committee <br />would he glad to recommend the spending of the same on any department in need. <br /> <br /> As will be seen by the Budget, Which you hold, that is an appropriation of $14,81A.01 <br />to the pox~outh, Berkley & Suffolk Water Co. for a bill which has been accumulating since 1905, <br />and of which bill this Council had no knowl?dge previous to September let, and as you can.not <br />hope to pay such bill from this year's recempts of taxes, &c., we would recommend that samd bill <br />be d~opped from the list of apDropr~ations and, as was done with mimil.a~, accounts fez the Budget <br />of 1914, put under the head of ~ddDtional Obligations ~hich Must Be Pared. <br /> <br /> Fttrther~ there has appeared i~ the Budget for several years past an appropriation of <br />to pave ~te= street, from London ~o North,~and a p~T&sion this year for the improvem?nt to the <br />south end.of Dinwiddie street,at a cost of $3,20O.~O;~but as the f~ds could, not be~ai~sed~for <br />the carrym~g out of these objects, as it is desirabl~ito keep such work in sight, to be done when <br />it cam be paid for, it is recommended that these items be put in the Budget under the head of <br />"Work Which Should be Provided Fo~.~" <br /> <br />APPROPRIATIONS FOR CONTINGENT EXPENSES. <br /> <br />Harbor Commissioners, <br />Quarantine Commissioners, <br />Sundries, <br /> <br />$1,500. Brought Forward, $6,815. <br />315. Appraisers, Re,assessment, t,300'.~ <br />15,000__. I Total, $8~115. <br />~,815. <br /> <br />APPROPRIATIONS FOR STREET DEPARTMENT <br /> <br /> Salary of Street Inspector, $~I,Z00. <br />Stl Filling, Rps.~ & Sidewalks 5,500. <br />~Cieaning Streets, 8,000. <br />Trash & Garbage, 8,000. <br />Vehicle for City Engineer,~ 150. <br />Incinerator (Salaries, &c.), Z~Z0.O. <br /> <br />SB 3, 0 50. <br /> <br />Brought Forward, $~3,050. <br />Gosport Bridge, 450. <br />Nest Park View Bridge, 2,500. <br />Fire Box, Tamp & Irons, ?5. <br />Paving ~idewa!ks, First St. ~ 1,~0. <br />Catch Basin, First Street, 365. <br /> Total~ SE? ,??0. <br /> <br /> <br />