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R, C, P. <br /> <br />' August 18,' 1914. <br /> <br />At <br /> <br />a regular meeting of the Board of Aldermen August tSth there were present: <br /> <br /> Messrs-~W. Jones Williams, President, M. B. Langhorne, Vice-President <br /> W.~:E. ~lo~rnoy, E. L. Barlow, M. M. Adams, L. Privett, ' <br /> L. N. Davis, ~enry Pile, $. <br /> Absent--D. W. Ballentine, J. H. Wilson, C..N. Markham, O. P. Musty, <br /> <br />The minutes of the regular meeting July 14th.were read and were approved. <br /> <br /> I~ connection with the minutes, Mr. Davis said that, as this Will probably be the last <br />meeting cf the present Board of Aldermen and, therefore, the minutes of this meeting would not <br />be read tO-it, he~ would move that the President of the body be instructed to sign the ~ecords, <br />if he should fina them to be correct. The motion was adopted. <br /> <br /> REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. <br /> Auditing-- <br /> The Joint Auditing Committee reported having examined bills against the City <br /> <br />for the month of July, ~i~14, and they recommended the payment of same to t~e following amounts: <br />$6~565~10 for the City Proper; $277.?5 for the Sixth Ward; and $1,062.03 for the Seventh ~ard. <br /> <br /> The report having been read~ the Clerk stated.for the Chairman of the Auditing Com- <br />mittee that there were sundry ~ther b~lle to amount of $1~08S.~64 for the City Proper, $139.47 <br />for the Sixth Ward, and $1.20 for the Seventh Ward, which, though approved by one Chairma~ only, <br />he would recommend for payment, believing saidbiils to be correct. <br /> <br /> Whereupon, e~Lmotion, all the <br />lowing vote: <br /> Ayes--Williams, Langhorne, <br /> <br />Finance-- <br /> Non. Board of Aldermen. <br /> <br />bills presented for payment were allowed and by the fol- <br /> <br /> Flournoy, Barlow, Adams., Privett, Davis, Pi~e, $. <br /> (Present Mr. Markham,. <br /> <br />Gentlem~n:-- Your Finance Committee respectfully re- <br /> <br />ports herein concerning the following matters.referred to the Joint Finance <br />June 9-17, and May 12, 1914: <br /> <br /> Heferredby Common Council July 14th. <br /> <br />Committee <br /> <br />July 14-El, <br /> <br /> An appropriation tO supply the <br />steam coal, at $3.0~ per ton. <br /> It is recommended that an appropriation <br /> <br />Sewer Power House with 700 tons, more or less, of Pocahontas <br /> <br />to pay for sai~ coal be allowed. <br /> <br />Reports of the Auditor, Treasurer, and Sixth and Seventh Ward Boards for June, 1914.. <br /> Progress as to same. ~ <br /> <br /> A request of the Treasurer to ~Orrow $20,000.'t0 meet Ourrent Expenses ~or Auguet,.19i4. <br /> It is recommendedthat sa~d request be granted and that the foltow~ng resolution be <br />adopted to cover same: <br /> - Resolved, That the T~east~ver be, and he is hereby, authorized to make <br />n~tes in The Bank of PortSmouth, The Merchants' ~ Farmers' Bank, the Bank of Tidewater, and The <br />Fmrst National Bar~ of Portsmouth, to amount of Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000.00), to meet <br />Ourrent Expenses of the City for the month of August, 1914; said amount to be repaid from re- <br />venues of the City for the current year. <br /> <br /> A report of the~A~ditqr'of followin$ bills held up by him, because of lack of appropriation <br />or because they exceeded 1/12 of appropriation allowed for same: A~mshOUse, $3.00; Board of <br />Health, ~S3; Fire,~$2.?O; Trash & Garbage~ $117.00; Sixth Ward~ $1,178.73; and also a bill of <br />Eastern Dredging Co. to amount of $1,4~.07, held up by instructions from the Mayor. <br /> It is recommended that said bills be allowed. <br /> <br /> (With Power'to Act). <br />Dinwiddie street. <br /> We report that <br />~or said extension. <br /> <br /> To make available $4,240. for land purchased for the extension of <br /> <br />we have instruote~ the Auditor to issue warrants te cover amounts due <br /> <br /> A request of the Board of Health that an additional appropriation of $1,000. <br />the credit or-smallpox and vaccination account. <br /> it is recemended that said appropriation be allowed. <br /> <br />be placed to <br /> <br /> A petition of Western Union TeiegraphCo. for a refund of at least 50% of the specific li- <br />cense tax of $100. which was paid by said Company for 1914-15; and also that the license tax <br />dinance be amended so as to place the specific license t~x on telegraph companies at not exceed- <br />ing $50. for 1915 and succeeding.years. <br /> It is recommended that the Western Union Telegraph Cc. be refunded 50% of its license <br />tax for 1914-15 and the Postal Telegraph Co. 33 1/~% of its license tax, for doing business in <br />the City, but that the tax on poles for beth companies remain as heretofore. <br /> <br /> A request of the Park Commission to have made available $500j appropriated in the Budget <br />of 1914 for park purposes. <br /> We have instructed the Clerk to write to the Commission and ask it to furnish the <br />Committee with plans Eot improvements requiring $500.00. <br /> <br /> Bills of Portsmouth ~uburban Water Co. to amount of $2, 200, <br />and Seventh Wards for 12 months ending December $1, 191S. <br /> Bill of Portsmouth Suburban Water Co. for ~drant rental in <br /> <br />for hydrant rental in the Sixth <br />Sixth Ward for S months endin~ <br /> <br /> <br />