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R, C. P. <br /> <br />September 15, 1914. <br /> <br />AI~BHOUB~-M. <br /> <br />CEMETERiES--M. <br /> <br />LIGHTS--E. L. <br /> <br />B, Langhorne, Vice-Chairman; Henry Pile. <br /> <br /> M.. Adams, Vice-Chairman; W. E. Flournoy. <br /> <br />Barlow, Chairman; L. Privett. <br /> <br /> WATER & SEWERAGE--Lorenzo Cart, Vice,Chairman; J. H. Wilson. <br /> <br /> FERRIES &PUBLIC. DOCKS--M° B. Langhorne, Vice-Chairman; W. $. Bagwell. <br /> <br /> POLIOE-~W. E. Flournoy, Vice-Chairman; Henry Pile. <br /> <br /> Nr. Markham declined to serve on the Fire Committee; the Chair stated that he would fill <br />his place on the Oommittee Subsequently. <br /> <br /> The vote to authorize the T2easu~.~ozenew~ ~es to amount of ~0,@60.5§ was: <br /> <br /> Ayee--Davie, Markham~ LanEho~z~e, Barlow, Cart, Privett~ Adams, Wilson, <br /> Browne, Pile, BA~ell, 1~. <br /> (See Unfinished Business, Page ?l). <br /> <br />On motion, <br /> <br />adjourned. <br /> <br />September 30, 1914. <br /> <br />At a speoial me,ting of the Board of Aldermen September 30th there were present: <br /> <br />Nessrs--L. H. Davis, President, C. N. Markham, Vice-President, W~ E. Flournoy, E. L. Barlow, Lorenzo Cart, L. Privett, <br /> J. H. Wilson, $. Cleburne Browne, <br /> <br />The following directions were read for the special meeting: <br /> <br /> .Nr. L. P. Siater, <br /> City Oierk, <br /> "Dear Sir:-- <br /> "You w~lt ~lease <br /> <br />tember 30th, at 8 o'clock P. M., to <br /> <br />row $~0,000. <br /> <br />Co~mon Counc~il ~last <br /> <br />City. <br /> <br />call a meeting of <br /> <br />"Portsmouth, Va., September ~, 1914. <br /> <br />the Board of Aldermen fe~Wed~esday, Sop- <br /> <br /> consider concurrence in a request of the Treasurew to bor- <br />to mast City expenses for September, 1914,~hich aa~d request was adopted by the <br /> <br /> ~aturday, September ESth. <br /> <br />"Very t~uly, <br /> <br />President B. of A." <br /> <br />Whereupon, the Joint Finance Oommittee presented the following report withrecommendation: <br /> <br /> Hon. Board of Aldermen. <br /> Gentlemen:-- Your Joint Finance Committee to whom was referred, <br />at a special meeting of the Come, on Council September ~5th, a request of the Treasurer to make <br />notes in the several City banks to amount of SZO,O00. to meet Current Expenses of the City for <br />September, 1914, respectfully recommends: <br /> That the Treasurer be, and he is hereby, authorized <br /> <br />to ~ake notes in The Nerchants' & Farmers' Bank, ~he Bank of Portsmouth, the Bank of Tidewater, <br />and The First National Bank of Portsmouth, to amount of Twenty Thousand Dollars ($EO, O00.~OO)~, to <br /> <br />meeZ Current Expenses of the Cit~ for September~ 1914; said amount to be repaid from revenues of <br /> <br />the City for ~he <br /> <br />current yea~. <br /> <br />(Signed) E.L. Barlow, <br /> <br />Chairman B. of A. <br /> <br />On motion, the report cf the Committee was adopted and by the following vote: <br /> <br />Ayes-~Davis, Markham, Flournoy, Barlow, Car~, Privett, Browne, Wilson, <br /> <br />On motion, adjourned. <br /> <br /> <br />