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R, C. P. <br /> <br />March 18, 1915. <br /> <br />At a regular meeting of the Board of Aldermen March 16th there were present: <br /> <br /> Meesrs--L. H. Davis, President, C. N. Markham, Vice-President, M. B. Langhorne, W. E. FloUrnoy, E. L. Barlow, Lorenzo Car~, <br /> J. H. Wilson, S. Olebu~ne Browne, Z. E. Frey, 9. <br /> <br />The minutes of the regular meeting February 16th were read and were approved. <br /> <br /> REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. <br />Rules-- <br /> Hon. Common Councii-~BOard of Aldermen. <br /> Gentlemen:-- Your Committee on Rules re- <br /> <br />spectfully reports herein concerning the following matters referred t.o the Joint Committee on <br /> <br />Rules February. 9, 1915: <br /> <br />Referr.ed by Oommon Council February 9th. <br /> <br /> Advisability of a rule requiring comm~ittees to report to Council within a specified time <br />matters referred to them. <br /> We have oonei~ered this matter and recommend the following to cover the same: <br /> <br /> That-in the e~ent a committee fails to report on any matter that has been referred to <br />i~, within, one month, without gi~ing a reasonable excuse therefor, any member of the body may <br />g~ve notice that he will offer a motion at the next succeeding meeting to discharge the commit- <br />tee from further .consideration of the said matter. <br /> <br />(Signed) Jos. S. Moore, Chairman. <br /> <br />( si d) <br /> <br />S~ 01eburne Browne, 'AOtg.~LVi~e-ghai~man. <br /> <br /> Mr. Markham objected to the recommended rule, because, he said, according to Parliamentary <br />rule, a committee can not be compelled to report on matters referred to them. <br /> Mr. Wilson moved to amend, that sixty days, instead of thirty days, be allowed a Committee <br />in which to report on~ matters referred. The amendment was lost.. <br /> <br /> Then; on motion, <br />Audit ing-- <br /> <br />the repo~t <br /> <br />of the Committee was rejected. <br /> <br />February, IS15, <br />0ity Proper; <br /> <br /> The Auditor~eported having examined bills against the City for the month of <br /> <br /> and recommended payment of same to the following amounts: $3,~6.~ for the <br />$S15.~ for the Sixth Ward; and $101.50 for the Seventh Ward° <br /> <br />On motion, the bills were allowed and by the following vote: <br /> Langhorne, Flou~noy, Ba~low, Ca, r, ~ilson, Browne, Frey, <br /> <br />Ayes--Davis, Markham, <br />9. <br /> <br />Finance-- <br /> <br />Hon. Common <br /> <br />Council--Board of Aldermen. <br /> <br />Gentlemen:-- You~ Finance Committee re- <br /> <br />epectfully reports herein concerning the following matters referred to the Joint Finance Commit- <br /> <br />tee February 9-16 and January lZ, lg15: <br /> <br />Referred by Common Council February 9th. <br /> <br /> An appropriation of $175.00 to pave the south side of Ann street, be.tween Armstrong and <br />Owens. Progress as to same. <br /> <br /> Reports of the Auditor, TreasUrer, and Sixth amd Seventh WardBoards-for January, 1915. <br /> We have examined these reports and it is recommended that the Auditor be instructed <br />to make the proper cha~ges called for therein and that the Clerk file the reports. <br /> <br /> A bill of J. W. Booth & Bro. to amount of $150, for gratis prescriptions supplied the poor <br />of the City during 1914; $1~5.16 Of- said amount being in excess of $1800. allowed in the Budget <br />of 1914 for "Drugs." Progress as to same. <br /> <br /> A bill of Foster F. V. Staples to amount of $15, for typewriting complaints of water takers <br />~e~3uee before the State Corporation Commission. <br /> It is recommended that s~id bill be allowed. <br /> <br /> Natter of requiring Frederick Allen to pay $$~00 per month for property at the sOUth end of <br />Dinwiddie street. <br /> It is recommended that the City Collector be instructed to cancel the charge for rent <br />against Frederick Allen, that the Auditor be instructed to credit the City Collector with the <br />amount charged against Mr. Allen, and that Er. Allen be notified to vacate the property. <br /> <br /> A communication from the City Treasurer concerning declination of The Bank ~f Portsmouth <br />to discount e City note for $5,000.00. <br /> We report that this matter has been satisfactorily adjueted ~ith the Bank. <br /> <br /> A request of the City Treas~zrer to borrow $S0,O00. to meet ~rrenm Expenses and $10,000. <br />to meet. School Expenses, for March, 19lB. <br /> It is recommended that the Treasurer be authorized to borrow $S0,000. or as much of <br />the same as may be necessary, for Current Expenses~ and also to borrow $10,000j for School Ex- <br />penses; and that the following resolutions be adopted to cover same: <br /> <br /> <br />