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C <br /> <br />At a special, meetl~ of the City Council February ~th there were present: <br /> <br /> Mess~s--T. A. Bunting, <br /> N. P~' Claud, E. H. ~rlght <br /> J. T. Hanvey, C.,H. Herbert, W. N. Culpe.~per~' 8. <br />The fellewin~ directions were read for the special meeting: <br /> <br />~Portsmouth, Va., February 4, 1915. <br /> <br /> "Mr. L. C. B~insen, <br /> <br /> ~City Clerk & Auditor, City. <br /> <br /> "Dea~ Sir:-- <br /> <br /> "You will please call a special meeting of the City Council £or Monday, Feb- <br /> <br />r~:~ary~th, at 7:Z0 o'clock P. N., to consider the following matters: <br /> "First. The report from the Special Water Commdttee. <br /> <br /> ~Second. A report from the Finance Department on the requested appropriation o£ $1,§00. <br /> <br />for the Health Department. <br /> ~'Very tr*~ly, <br /> <br /> "J. T. Hanvey, P~esident," <br /> <br />the report of the Special Water Co~mmittee as submitted to <br /> <br /> following <br /> <br /> the body Febru~ey let (see records ~ages ~8-40) was discussed and adopted by the <br /> vote: <br /> Ayes7-Bunting, Claud, Wright, Hanvey, Herbert, Culpepper, <br /> <br /> Next, the follow~ letter was ~ead from the ~esident of the Po~t~outh, Berkley ~d <br /> S~folk Water Comp~ with reg~d to ~s Comply n~ a price Fo~ its property: <br /> <br /> "80 ~oad~St., New York, Feb~ 2, 1~18. <br /> "~e ~n~able, <br /> "~e Cmty Co~ci!~ <br /> ~Portsm~th, Virg~a. <br /> <br /> ~Gen~temen: <br /> Rep~ing to yo~ esteemed favor oF the 19th ultimo, si~ed ~ His H~o~, <br />M~or J. T. ~vey, t~ City N~r, M~. W. B. ~tes, ~d City Attorney, Captai~ Jo~ W. ~p- <br />p~ re~t~ t~ comp~ to set a ~Ice on its ~opert~- which letter was received at <br />~e~~.~ ~Chica~- I_~eg to state ~t s~ee ~ ~n we have given yo-~ <br /> "The p~c~se of a property of this eztent is a ve~ l~ge ~dert~ing ~volv~ several <br />millions o2 dol!~s, ~d ~ price t~t mi~t be set without ~ appraisal as DPovlded ~ the <br />contract wo~d ~doubted~ be ~satisfacto~ ei~ to the stoc~ol~e~s of t~s co~ or <br />the City of Portsmouth ~d would delay the ~cquisition of ~e property by the City. <br /> <br /> ~ M~eh 1t, 1916, yo~ Honorable ~dy served notice on this comps, ezercis~g its op- <br />tion to D~o~e the ~ope~ty of the co~y, as provided in t~ contract. ~e service of t~s <br />~tice ~ms ~caepte~by ~ ~t the t~e, ~d ~s comp~ studs rea~ to appo~t a dis~te~ested <br />arDitra~r ~pon~r. ecaipt of advice t~ the City of Po~t~ou~s appo~ted its dis~te~ested <br />~bitra~er. <br /> <br /> "The officers of this company respectfully advise that they a~e disposed to render all <br />reasonable assist~uce, so that the transaction may be consummated within the oeriod contemplated <br />by the contract. - <br /> "~ours ver~y truly, <br /> <br /> ~PORTSMOUTH, BEF~KI~-~r-& SUPFOLKNATER CO., By G. E. Hoff~ster, P~esident." <br /> <br /> In connection with the water question, the following resolutions were presented by Mr. He,- <br />bert: <br /> ~W~EREAS, it is the desire of the City of Portsmouth to become the owner of the water <br />works and all the property connected therewith of the Portsmouth, Berktey, and Suffolk ~ater Com- <br />pany, and to succeed to all the rights and franchises of the said Compare, at the expi~ationof <br />its contract with the City, by paying to the said Company the value of said works, property, and <br />franchises, taking into view in ascertain such Malue, as well its capacity to make earnings as <br />other considerations; and <br /> <br /> "WHEREAS, the City of Portsmouth, after careful investigation ~ud exsmination has ascer- <br />tained the value o* such orooertv ~w~ ~ ~~ +~ ~ <br /> - . ~ - ~, ...... · ...... ~ ..... ~ ~ $1,413,840.00, including the two <br />lakes ~o~ as ~P~!iips" ~d "~t Mills;~ ~d $1 313 540.0~ <br />"Phillips': ~d ?B~nt Mills;" ~d , , ex~ud~g the two lakes ~o~ as <br /> <br /> "W~, the C~ of this city bemno' ~ advised that the above ascertained values ~epre- <br />sent a ~t~e ~d f~ value fo~ ~oh property, works~ and fr~chises: <br /> <br /> ~NO~, T~0~, ~ it resolved by the Co~c~ of the City of Ports~uth that ~ offe~ ~ <br />$1,~1~,~0.00 be ~de to the Portsmouth, Be~kley, ~d S~folk ¥~ater Co~a~ for the o~o~se of <br />all 0f its ~ope~y, wor~, ~ al~_t~ property coquetted therewith, ~clud~E lake~ ~P~!li <br /> g ~chlses. ~ should ~he ~s?d ~? ~ <br /> <br /> <br />