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., o. 253 <br /> <br />1918 <br /> <br />At a regular meeting of the City Council ~ia~ch t2th there were present: <br /> <br />T. A. Bunting, M. B. Claud, q. H. Culpepper, <br />C. D. Deans,~ J, T.. H~uvey, C. H. Herbert, <br />E. H. ~Vright, <br />Also the City <br /> <br /> The' mirJ~tes of the regular meeting Februs~y 19th and special meeting Februa~r ~Sth and <br />kJarch 8th were read and were approved. <br /> <br /> ~PORTS OF ~T~NTS <br /> <br /> No ~eport. <br /> <br />Public Property-- <br /> (See communications from the City Manager) <br /> <br />Public Service-- <br /> <br />No report. <br /> <br />Public S~fety-- <br /> No report. <br /> <br />Public Welfa~e-- <br /> No report. <br /> <br /> Referred February 19th <br /> <br /> Recommendation of the $ity Manager that the pay of street pavers be increased to ~$.50 <br />per day. <br /> In view of'the fact that there are only three pavers, it is recommended that said <br />inerease~ be g~anted. <br /> <br /> Matter of no appropriation t~ the Budget for "Relief of Soldiers.~ P?-og~ess~as to s~me. <br /> <br />(Signed) Ci H. Herbert, Chairman. <br />(Si~ed) T.A. Bmuting, Vice-Chairm~u. <br /> <br />On n~tlon, the report of the Dep~tment was adopted. <br /> <br /> At this point, the privilege of the floor was g~uted to the school teachers who were pre- <br />sent, in the matter of the request of the School Board for a war bonus to be paid the teachers <br />of the Pub!lc Schools~ ~nd Miss Smmth spo~e urgzno ~avor%ble actmon on samd request. <br /> In this connection, ~. Herbert stated that he would call a meeting of the Department of <br />Finance on~id~, March 15th, at 7:30 o'clock P. ~., and the Superintendent of Schools, members <br />of the School Bo~d, mud members of the teaching force, would be ~uvited to be presen~ at said <br />meeting. <br /> <br /> The foilowing'commtmieations were read from the City Manager: <br /> First. The following Srdi- <br />n~uces which had been approved by the Department of Health: <br /> ~a) Au Ordinance to Prohibit the <br />Soliciting, Aiding or Permitting Prostitution or Illicit Sexual Iuterc~m~se. <br /> <br /> (b). An ~dim~.nce Providmng ~or. the Quarantining Detention, Care snd Ou~e of Persons In- <br />fected w~th Contagious Venereal D~seases. . ' <br /> <br /> (c) An 0rdin~noe <br />Portsmouth, ~Yho ~ay be <br />Health. <br /> <br />Pro~idin~ for the ~,~uarant_ne of Persons Confined in the City Jail of <br />I~.'eeted~with -~%¢ Con~aoious or Infectious Disease Dangerous to the Public <br /> <br /> (d) An Ordinance Regulating the ~'mn~actt~e, Handling, Care and Sa!e~ of Food Stuffs VJithin <br />the City of Portsmouth. <br /> <br /> 9,n. motion, ~.~e ordinances were o~dered to lis'on the tab_e until the next regulus meet- <br />ir4~ of the body and ware referred to the Department of Law ~nd City Attorney for a report at the <br />next regular me,~tzng of the bOd~'. <br /> <br /> Second. Attaching three bi!ls~ contracted for du~. 191~, but for which there was allowed <br />no appropriatign in the~B~dget for 1918. <br /> He recommended that an appropriation of $2~..~0 be allowed to pay for said bills. <br /> On motion, the matter of an aplmmopr,tation to cover s~ue was referred to the Finance De- <br />partment. <br /> <br /> Third. Recommending that he be authorized to employ a corapetent engzneer to make a sm-vey, <br />map and to f'arnmsh description of the proposed ~erritor~- in Port Norfolk, Pin, ers Point, <br />to be annexed to. the City, at a cost not to exceed $250.00. <br /> 0n motion, the recommended appropriation was referred to the Dep~tment of Finance. <br /> <br /> Fourth.. Re-eo~muended .the adoption of the following resolution: <br /> ".Wh~eas, ~ne cuestion of <br />purchase of the properties of the Portmnouth, Be~kley & Suffolk l~ater Company is now under con- <br />.sideration ~nd may be cons~..~mated upon the report of the arbitrators selected to fix the values <br />of said Co~p~ to b~dce effect from the first day of April, 1918. <br /> <br /> "Now, ~herefore, Be it Resolved by the Counei!mof the. City 9f ~ortsmouth. That the C!e~k <br />of this Council be ~_ud is hereby directed to notii~ the samd P&rtsmouth. Berk!ey & Suffolk YIater <br /> <br /> <br />