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' March 19, 1918 <br /> <br /> Mr. Dea~s also called attention to. g~bage os_us and %rash boxes bei~g left on the streets <br />at night, and same was referred to the City Manager. <br /> <br /> Mr. ~right called attention to the increased gas rates complained o~by several citizens, <br />but no action was taken on the matter. <br /> <br />On motion, <br /> <br />adjou~u~ed. <br /> <br />CiTY CLERK AND AUDITOIL <br /> <br />26, 19t8 <br /> <br />At a special meeting of the .City Council Ms, ch 26th there were present: <br /> <br /> Messrs-- T. A. Bunting, M. P. lau% C. D. Deans, -~ <br /> J. T. Hanvey, C. H~ Herbert, E. H. ~right, 6. <br /> Also the City Nar~ger. <br /> <br />The following directions were read for the special meeting: <br /> <br />"Portsmouth, Va., <br /> <br />March 25, 1918. <br /> <br />C o Brinson~ <br /> <br /> "City Clerk & Auditor, <br /> <br />City. <br /> <br /> "Dear Sir:-- <br /> You will please call a~special meeti~ of the City Council for ~uesday~ <br />Ms,-ch 26th, at ?:80 o'clock P. N., to consider the following ordinances ordered to lie on <br />the t~ole M~-~ch Igth: <br /> <br /> "First. An Ordinance for th~ Extension of the Corporate Limits of the City of Portsmouth, <br />Pursuant to an Act of the General Assermbly of Virgi~a, Approved March 10% 1904~ <br /> <br /> "Second. An 0rdin~nce to Authorize the Issue of Oho Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars <br />of Bends, to be Enown as 'Portsmouth, Virginia~~ School Bonds,' Pursuant to enact of the General <br />Assembly of Virginia,~Approved January ~l, 1918, in Order to B~td a Schoolho~e or §ct~olho~ses <br />and for Other School rurposes. <br /> <br /> "Third. An 0rdinanoe Regulating the Manufacture, H~nlding% Care and SZ!e of Pood Stuffs <br />Within the City of Portsmouth. <br /> <br /> "Very truly,~ <br /> <br /> "J. T. Hanvey, President." <br /> <br /> ~rnereupon, the "call~ havin~ been read, the ordinance for the extension of the Corporate <br />L~its of the City, entitled as follows, was taken up and read: <br /> AN ORDINANCE FOR TEU~ EXTENSION <br />OF ~ CORPOB~TE LIMITS OF TH~ CITY OF PORTSMOUTH, P;JHSUANT TO ~AN ACT OF THE GE2~RAL ~SE~BL~ <br />OF ViRGIh~A, APPROVED M~d~CH lC, 1904. (See 0rd~_uance Book). <br /> <br /> Then petitions were read from s~udry citizens of Port Norfolk and from various manufactur- <br />ing companies on the Belt Line, protesting against ~_e proposed s~_uexation. <br /> <br /> On motion, the privilege of the floor was granted to citizens of the proposed territory <br />to speak in regard ~o the ord*~anee~ and several citizens ~p~ke in favor of ~ against the <br />annexation. <br /> <br />the ordinance was adopted, <br /> Deans, Hanvoy, <br /> <br />and by the following vote: <br /> <br />Herbert~ . ' ~ <br /> Wrzght, 6. <br /> <br />B~=~t zng, Claud, <br /> <br /> Second. The ordinance authorizing the issue of School Bonds, ordered to lie on the table <br />March 19th, was t~ken up, re~d and adopted: <br /> AN 0RDINA~NCE TO AUTHORIZE THE ISSUE OF ONE HUNDRED <br />Ak~D FIF~ THOUBAI~D DOLLARS OP BONDS, TO BE ~0~N ~ "PORTS~iOUTH, V~RGINIA, SCHOOL B0t~DS,~ PUR- <br />SUANT TO AN ACT OF T~ GE2~ERAL ASSEMBLY OF VIRGINIA, APPROVED JA~GAR~ 31, 1918, IN 0P~DER TO BDILD <br />A SCHOOLHOUSE OR SCHOOLHOUSES A~D FOR 0TPS~R SCHOOL PURPOSES. (See 0rdin~uce Book). <br /> <br /> And by the followi~ vote: <br /> Aye~- B~mting, Claud, Deans, Hanvey, Herbert, Nright~ 6. <br /> <br /> Third. The ordinance with regard to food s~ffs was ~taken up, read and. discussed. <br /> <br /> V~hen, on motion of ~. Bunting, the ordinance w~s ordered to. oontir~e on the table until <br />the nex.t.. ~ ~re~'lar_/¥~ meeting of the body. <br /> <br /> <br />