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R. C. P. <br /> <br />· April 16, 1918 <br /> <br /> This ord~_uance sD~ll be in force on ~nd after May Ii 1918, ~ud all ordinances or parts of <br />ordinances in conflict with the same are hereby anuutledZ <br /> <br />And by the following vote: <br /> <br />Ayes-- Bunting, Claud,-Cu!pepper~ <br /> Hanvey, Herbert, Wright, <br /> <br />BUSINESS <br /> <br /> A petition of members of the Police Repartment for ~u increase in pay to the extent of <br />$,80 per day was referred to the Departments of Finance ~nd Public Safety. <br /> <br /> A oetition of members of the Fire Department for ~n increase in ~al~y to ~100. per month, <br />s~me to-be paid monthly instead of on the per diem basis, was referrem to the F~uance and Public <br />Safety Departments. <br /> <br /> A report was read from the Board of Harbor Commissioners for the year ending December 31, <br /> 1~!~, and sams was ordered to be filed. <br /> <br /> A petition wa~.rea~fr~m Na~ha?iel T. Gr~en~ representing ~. G. Zrvin~g, J. E. ~ilkins~ <br />and P. Abraham, as~mng ~ne ooo~cml ~o appea~ from all and each'of the decrees entered ~y the <br />Circuit Court of the City of Portsmouth in the chancery cause lately dependin~ therein under <br />the short style of F. Nash Bilisoly vs. The City of Portsmouth, wherein the Cmty of Portsmouth <br />was defendant, ~and wherein decrees adverse to. the City of Portsmouth were entered by said Ci~- <br />cum~ Court~ and agreeing that if~ said appeal is taken, it will be without cost to the City of <br />Portsmouth. <br /> On motion~ the privilege of th& fl~or was'granted to ~. E. G. Irving to speak in regard <br />to said petition, and s~me was referred to the Department of ~blic'Welfare. <br /> <br /> The Chairman of the Public Property Department presented ~ petition of The Ferries Company <br />asking for certain changes in the schedule of rates in the lease of the ferries. <br /> 0n motion, said petition was referred to the Public Property Department and the City At- <br />torney was instructed to ~ive his opic_ion as to the ie~a! right of the City to amend the contract <br />with the Ferries ComPanY so as to embod~ said ch~ges. <br /> <br /> ~. Wright called attention to the resolution adopted by the body some time ago to pay em- <br />ployees who go into the service the difference bstween what the Goverrn~ent allows them and what <br />they received when employed by the City° He stated that no approprlationhad been allowed ~in <br />the ~dget for same this yes~. <br /> <br /> Nr. He~bert called attention to the smoke nuisance from brass foundry near the City, and <br />same was referred to the City Nanager at act at once as to s~e. <br /> <br /> Nr. Herbert moved that the ordinance regulating fees for cleaning lots in the City Cemeterle <br />be published three times idu one of the dam±y newspapers in the City, <br /> The motion was adopted. <br /> <br /> '~. Bunting called attention to the condition of the Chief of the ~Fire Department's automo- <br />bile, and moved to refer to t~he epartments.~f Fzuance and Public Safety for an appropriation <br />to purchase a new machine. The motion was adopted. <br /> <br /> ~o Herbert presented an estimate from the City Engineer of the cost for laying pipes, &c.~ <br />at the following locations: Elm avenue a~ Race street; Pear2 and South streets; and Columbia <br />s~eet s~ud First avenue. On motion, s~ne was referred to the Public Service Department and <br />City ~nager. <br /> <br />On motion, adjourned. <br /> <br />C}T¥ CL£~K AND AUDiTOr, <br /> <br /> <br />