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?. c. P. <br /> <br />269 <br /> <br />April ~6, 1918 <br /> <br /> Each land agent, $100;00; and each agent for renting houses or collecting rent~ of houses, <br />$50.00~ Provided, however, where there is a firm doing business aS,such agents at the same lo- <br />cality, said tax shall be on the firm and not on each member ~hereof. <br /> <br /> Each detective agency, $28.00. <br /> <br /> Each dealer or agent for th~ sale of horses, mules, cattle or stock, <br /> <br /> Each mercantile reporter or agent ~to report the <br /> <br />Each agent for labor, <br /> <br />$10.00. <br /> <br /> $50.00o <br />standing of merchants, $100.00. <br /> <br /> Agents, attorneys~ or other persons ~no shall engage in the business of negotiating loans <br />on real estate, $20.00~ if not otD~rwise'taxed. <br /> [gents for printing or book binding to be sublet, in addition to any other license tax, $15. <br /> <br /> Each and every person, firm or corporation selling direct to consumers by sample, card or <br />representation, or taking orders for delivering of same, except from merchants or other persons <br />located in the city and dealing in such articles, $1. per day. <br /> <br /> Dealers in or-agentS Of cash registers, typewriters, or adding mzc~hines, $2~. in addition <br />to any other license tax. <br /> <br /> 01aim and collection agencies, each $10.00. <br /> Cdt rate ticket agents, each $!0.-00. <br /> Canvassers not o~nerwise provide~for, $20.00. <br /> <br /> Each building and loan associ~tig~ len~in~ money on re~! estate securit7 <br /> an ~mottut not to exceed ~he sum actual±y pamd mn at the time of the loan, $~00.ct on stock in <br /> Each insurance broker, $25.00. ~ <br /> Each manufacturer of i~e, who manufactures 35 tons or less of ice daily, $t00.00; each man- <br />ufacturer .of ice, who manufactures more than 35 tons but less than 80 ~tons office daily, $150.00; <br />~ each manufacturer of ice, wh~ m~nufact~_Bes more than 80 tons of ice daily, $225.00. <br /> <br /> Each toll bridge or foot feF~y, $50.00. <br /> <br />Each <br /> <br />Each <br /> <br />Each <br /> <br />person, firm or corporation engaged in the sale of <br />cart, truck, or wagon, public or private, $10.00. <br />carry-log, $10.O0. <br /> <br />tobacco, cig&~s, or-cigarettes, $5.60 <br />The license may be issued quarterly. <br /> <br /> Each resident or non-resident carriage used as a public hack ~or for other business purooses, <br />$20."00. ~ <br /> <br /> Each resident or non-resident hearse, $20.00. This license may be issue~ quarterly. <br /> <br /> Each person~ firm or. corporation engaged in the business of undertaking or embalming, $2~.00. <br /> <br /> Each resident or non-resident baker or confectionery wagon, or cart, $30.00 for the first <br />of said wagons or carts, and $10o extra for each subsequent one, with the privilege t~ sell goods <br />therefrom. <br /> <br /> Each resident or non-resident automobile van or truck, p~ol~c or private, one ton or less, <br />$15.00; over one ton, $20,00. - <br /> <br /> -The foregoing sections to apply to every cart, truck, wagon, automobile, automobile van or <br />t_~uck, or hack used fo? conveying or hauling persons, merchandise, for hire or not (excepting <br />such as are used exclusively for domestic or farm purposes); and no vehicle shall be used in <br />the city for ha~l~ing~ directly or indirectly, for the purpose of evading the aforesaid tax, but <br />any person ~hy obta~ a ~oecial license to haul his own goods or other articles for his trade <br />or business without subjecting his wagon, temm or vehicle to be hired by others, in which case <br />the Commissioner of t~he Revenue is authorized to grant him a special license there~o_~ w upon the <br />payment of aforesaid tax. <br /> <br />Each shipbroker, $25.00. <br /> <br />Each stockbroker, $150.05. <br />Each pawnbroker, $300.00. <br /> <br /> Each person, firm or corporation, other than banks, bankers or pawnbrokers, who ~all make <br />it a business to lend money on salaries or rents, annuities, or the purchase of notes, or nggoti- <br />ating or making loans on notes or household furniture or other personal property, SS00.00. This <br />license may be issued quarterly. <br /> <br /> Brokers, or dealers in timber, logs or piles, each firm or corporation? $20.00. <br /> <br /> Each pri~ate banker, $2~0.00; and when a person er firm is assessed with a license tax, <br /> both as a private ba_~ker and a stockholder, $400.00. <br /> <br /> B~yers or sellers on con~ission of contracts for fut~re de!ive:~y of stocks, cotton, ~ain <br /> or other produce or provisions, wh~ther bought or sold, direct or though others, or by wire or <br />irai!,' either in the city or otherwise, each person, ,firm or corporation, $250.00. <br /> <br /> <br />