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274 <br /> <br />A~ri! 25, 1918 <br /> <br />At a special meeting of the City Council April 23rd there were <br /> <br />}~essrs-- M. P. Claud, W. H. Cuipepper, J. T. <br /> C. H. Herbert, E. H. Wright, 5. <br /> Also the City Manager. <br /> <br />The following dir6ctions were read for ~the special meeting~ ..... <br /> <br />"Mr.-L.-C. Brinson~ <br /> <br /> "City Clerk & Auditor, <br /> <br />"Gentlemen:-- <br /> <br />April 23rd, <br /> <br />"Portsmouth~ Va.~ April 22, 1918. <br /> <br /> City. <br /> <br /> YOU will please call a special meeting of the City Co-~ucii for TuesdaY~ <br /> <br />1918, at 7:~0 o'clock P. <br /> TM <br /> ~., to hear a report from the Department of Finance on <br /> <br />bids for $150,000.00 of Portsmouth, Va., School Bonds. <br /> <br /> "Very truly~ <br /> <br /> "Jo'T. Hanvey, P~esident." <br /> <br /> The "call" D~ving been read, the Chairman or'the Department of ~inance r~d~t~h~ followi~ <br />list of bi~s received for~the bonds: Mottu & Co.~ $138~8!.00;~ J. C. Mayer & Co.. $139~62S.00; <br />E. H. Rollins & ~0-~ $142,2i~.00; Rudg~ph~Eleybo~te & Co., $t42~222.22; Pruden <br />R. ~. G~ant & Co., $1~3~3~0.00. <br /> <br />Then the following report was read from the Department of Finance: <br /> <br />"Portsmouth, Va.~ April 23, 1918. <br /> <br /> "The Dep~o of Finance h~viug been authorized to advertise for $150~000. School Bonds in <br />accordance ~56hewith advertised~in the local paper and the Bond Buyer, New York~ and date set <br />for receivizq~ bids was April 22~ 12 o~clock noon. <br /> <br /> "The C0m~ittee met on said date and.received bids f~om 6 companies, and after oonsidering <br />the different bids%~your Department of Finance recomm~r~ that the bid of R. N. Grant&~Co. <br />being the highes~Lbid, said $1~0,000. School Bonds be awarded to the R. M. Grant & Coo, New <br />York, N~ Y. <br /> "Respectfully submitted, <br /> <br />Herbert, Chrm~. Dept." <br /> <br /> · Whereupon, the privilege of the floor was g~anted to Mr. Bray, 6f Prudden & Co., and Mr. <br />Morse, of R. M. Grant & Co., who spoke as to their respective bids. <br /> <br />Finally, the report of the Department was adopted, and by the foliowi~g vote: <br /> Ayes-- Claud, Culpepper~ Hanvey, Herbert, Wright~ ~. <br /> <br /> By~ua~ous~co~sont, the. ~ollo~ing ordinance ~hich was ordered to lie on the table April <br /> ~th, was taken up, read, and adopted: <br /> <br /> · ~NORDINANCE A~NDINGAN 0RDINA~{CEENTITI~D, "AN ORDinANCE <br />FOR APPOINTING A.C~RK TO THE CIVIL A~D POLICE JUSTICE, AND THE CHIEF O~ POLICE." . <br /> "Be it ordained by t~e City Couticil of the City of Portsmouth~ Va.~ That a clause be added' <br />Itc amend the~d:.o~di~ce~as follows: <br /> "The office hours of the Clerk to the Civil and Police <br />Justice and~to the Chief of Police sD~ll be from 8:~0 a.m. to 12:~0 P. ~. ~ud from 7:~0 P.~M~ to <br />!l:~O P. Mo, and that all o~dinances in conflict with the ordin~uce adopted April 2~th, 19t~ <br />and this ~en~ment thereto, are hereby repealed. This ~endment and o~inance to take effect <br />and be in force from its passage." <br /> <br />And by the following vote: <br /> Ayes-- Claud, Cu!pepper, Hanvey, Herbert~ V/right, <br /> <br /> The following ~eso!uti~n which was referred to the Department o£ Law March 19~h, was taken <br />and adopted:· .' <br /> "Resolved, That the C~ty M.a~ager be instructed to detail one of the Justices. <br />the Peace for the ~urpose of issuing b.aml bonds and ether papers, one of each of the ~ustmces <br />be on duty at the Statmon House each night~. / <br /> <br /> On mOtion~ the City Clerk & Auditor was i~struoted to return the certified ch~cks of the <br />unsuecess~mt bmdders on School Bonds. <br /> <br /> On motion, <br />Officials. <br /> <br />the Clerk was instructed to compile a City Director~y of City, State, and U. S. <br /> <br />On motion, <br /> <br />adjo~ ned~ <br /> <br /> <br />