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Nay '14, <br /> <br /> 2. The acts of the Department of Fl~~'ce in advertising the said bonds for sale are hereby <br />ratified and approved and the said bonds are awarded and sold to R. M. Grant & Ce. of New York <br />City. . <br /> <br /> 3~ All resolutions and- parts of resolutions inconsistent herewith are ~reby repealed. <br /> 4. This resolution shall take effect immediately." <br /> <br /> A~d by the following vote: Ayes-- Claud, Culpepper, Dea~s, '~nnvey, Herbert, %~right, 6. <br /> The followLug ordinauce presented also ~' ~1 ~e purcbnsers of said b~nds, was ordered to <br />lie on ~e table ,~til ~e next meeti~ of ~e bo~ ~d re~rr~ed to ~e Dep~ of ~w. <br />City Attorn~ for ap~oval: ~ Ordi~ce to ~o~de for the LeW of a TaX to ~ the ~cipal <br />of 0150,000. School Bonds ~d for a S~ing <br /> ~. He,be~t moved ~t a co~ee be ap~[~ to co, er wi= =e Heat~ Oep~=en% as <br />to ~Zenti~ He, es f~ contagiou~ ~seases, ~ ~ ~esident appointed MessY. Claud <br />C~pepper on staid c~ttee together with ~e City ~ager. <br /> ~. Herbert also called attention to the c~o~dition of Washington street at the ~ai~d <br /> crossi~, ~ s~e was refe~ed to ~e City M~ager~ <br /> ~. ~ called attentio~ tO ~ conditio~ of the aut~obi!e o~ the ~ief of the F~e De- <br /> ~tmen~, b~t no aotio~ was~ taken on <br /> ~. De~s called attention also ~e p~k~ of aut~obites on Co~t street, between <br /> ~d~. <br /> <br /> ~ advertis~ ~e city at ~ne ~m v~.~ <br /> ~e; a~ s~e wasrefer~d to the ~ance Deponent, <br /> ~d ~ motions, ~e follow~ ~t~rs were referred to: <br /> F~n~ Dep~e~-- <br /> A bill of <br /> She Natio~al Association of c~ptrollers & Aec~t~ ~f&~?s ~ ~ of ~10.~, f~ member- <br /> ~.fp fee f~ t~ ye~ end~ J~e ~0, 1~1~. <br /> A bill ~ M~ia ~ker, 15~2 Col~b~ street, to be re--ed ~.20, for soil t~ paid <br /> error for ~e ye~s 1~1,-1~-!8 I~. <br /> (With City~ A~to~ ) A co~loa~ion ~ H. B. ~ ms to his cla~ a~inst the Ci~ fop <br /> ~j~ies ~ceived ~ his wife. <br /> Notice fr~ the Audit~ of ~blic Acco~ts as to s~ies for ~e J~s of ~e Cir~t <br /> ~d H~t~ Co, ts for the ye~ beg~ Feb~ 1. 1~t~. <br /> ~c~dation ~ the City Attorney ~t the suit of L. E. ~ilson vs. ~e City be com- <br /> pr~ised fo~ <br /> A c~cation ~om ~e ~d of H~bo~ C~issi~rs ~t ~e thud q~t~!y p~nt <br /> on aeco~t of a~ro~atmon of $1,0Ov. for ~e sc t ye~ is now lo~ ~st d~. <br /> A ~iea~ien from F. M. Fere~e as to pay for City espies ~o ~ve entered the Mili- <br /> t~ Service. <br /> A petiti~ of ~e School B~rd to ~ve ~de avai~ble $8,1~*.~0 to co~? bille fall~g due <br /> ~ 1st on acco~t~ of ~e New Hi~ ~hool B~Id~g. <br /> A bill 9f the Oi~ Atto~ to ~o~t of~ $1.~, for ~id~tal e~esses paid <br /> c*~eoti~ with. O~ty ~ork, as pe~ vouche~ ~t~ched ~o btll.~ ~ . <br /> . (wi~ ~blic ~ety ~en%~ A pe~mtmon of the ~ier of.'~-e F~.~~ <br /> ~de available ~ appro~iation of $1~0. fe~ ~sie fo~ the ~l ~spec~mon or rmreme~ <br /> heId not later th~ }~ SO~. <br /> (~ith ~btic S~ety ~p~mgnt) A pgtitiom from members of the Police FOr~ ask~ ~e <br /> C~il to reoe~ide~ ~d rescind ~e acti~ ~ken at the last ~eti~ ~ reg~d %o ~ ~crease <br /> ~ the~ p~ <br /> <br /> Public Service-- <br /> (With City <br />to condition of Green s~reet, f~om <br /> (With City ~anag~r) A petit~ of ~he <br /> streets: <br />Forth avenue. <br /> <br /> from ¢o H. ~ellt~gs. calli~ attemtiau <br /> <br /> Beard to <br />from Glasgow to <br /> <br />adjourned. <br /> <br />CITY CLERK AND AUDITOR, <br /> <br /> <br />