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R, C, P, <br /> <br />277 <br /> <br />Nay t4, 1918 <br /> <br />tlze City Council of Norfolk: <br /> <br /> "Hon. City C0~ucil, ' <br /> <br /> Nopfo!k, Va. <br /> ~ Gent lemen: - - <br /> It havinE come to the attention of the Council of Portsmouth that the <br />Portsmouth, Berktey & Suffolk Water Compaz~ sme entering into or trying to enter into negotia- <br />tions with you~ City for the sale of the holdings o£ the Portsmouth,. Berkley & Suffolk Water <br />Co. to yo~u~ City, either as a whole or in part, Therefore, we would like. to call you~ attention <br />to the fact that under the contract of the City of Portsmouth with this Comp_.a/a~, we have the <br />right to purchase this Company's holdings by smbit~ation, Which we have exercised~ and the ar- <br />bitrators amc now in session £oP the purpose of agreeing on t~ value of this property. ' <br /> <br /> '~he City of Portsmouth requests that you do no% enter into negotiations for the purchase <br />of ~ pa~t of this property until the pending negotiations a~e consummated, as we Fe~l that <br />you~ entering into. the field at this time will not only jeopamdize our interest but may cause <br />us to pay more for the props?fy than we. would have to pay under ou~ contract. <br /> <br /> ~e beg to remain, <br /> "Y~urs very t~aly, <br /> <br /> On motion, <br />Norfolk Coca, il. <br /> <br />the totten was adopte~, <br /> <br />and the <br /> <br /> ~E COL~?CIL OF THE CITY OP PORTSMOUTH, VA., <br /> <br /> By Ci_ty Clerk." <br /> <br />Clerk was instructed to forw~d ~e to the <br /> <br />to <br /> <br /> The said Committee reqnested also approval of the following letter which had been forwarded <br />the Chafmman of the Water Committee, Suffolk Council: <br /> <br />~J. NalterHosz~r," Esq.~ <br /> Chmn. Wate~ Com., <br /> <br />"Dear Si~:-- <br /> <br />~Portsmouth, Va., May Sth, 1918. <br /> <br />Suffolk Council~ <br />Suffolk, Va. <br /> <br /> Your letter of M~y ~ to~M~ C. H. Herbert, Chairman of the Water Co,mit- <br /> tee of Portsmouth Council, was read before a meeting of that co~ittee, at ~ni~ four out of <br /> the seven members o~ the Council were p~esent. <br /> <br /> "I am inst~ctedbY Mr. Herbert, the Chairm~n~ to sa~ to you that the Cityof Portsmouth <br /> expects to acquire this property and would ask that Suffolk bmld off in ma_W~g her contract <br /> with the present Company. As exDressed, by four members of the Council in the Committee meet- <br /> ing last evening, we feel ~b~t we will be able ~o make as. good or better te~ms With the City <br /> of Suffolk tb~n e~n be or will be made by the present. Company. <br /> <br /> ~We beg to re~in, <br /> "Very respectfully, <br /> <br /> (Signed) L.C. ~inson, City Clerk.~ <br /> 0n motion, the sending of~ said letter was approved. <br /> <br /> The following co~um/cations were read f~om the City Manage~: <br /> <br /> let. Recc~mendtng that "the <br />City deed to ~. W. Alexande~ 20 ft. front and extending back between parallel l~ues off of the <br />rear or West end of the 'Jib lot' adjoining said Alexander p~operty for and in exchange of the <br />front portion of ~ Alexander's~lot, said land ~in~ between his'T~ont perch and the South line <br />at or near the curb line, the entire width of said lot. ~ <br /> <br /> "The above exchange to be th? p.~ose ef~maintain~i~g and ~_nstructlng a continuous <br />sidewalk from the West side of oeur~ s~ree~ exmending along the North si~e of '~ythe street to <br />the sidewalk~est of Fourth street." <br /> On motion, the recommenda$fon w~s refez~ed to the ~ublic Serviee~.Depa~tment and City Nan- <br /> <br /> 2nd, Recommendi~ that ~a protest be enteredby the City of Portsmouth and that the food <br />adminlstnator be so advised, with request that he held the-price of ice within the reach of a~t <br />who by necessity-require the use of same.~ <br /> 0n motion, the recommendation was adopted. <br /> <br /> ~d. Advising that he had requested the Cou~ts to fumnishhim a list of n~u~es of all ap- <br />pointees employed in the City of Portsmouth in order ~hat a register may be compiled for the <br />info~mation of the Council; and same was ordered to be filed. <br /> 4th. ReportLng, that owing to lack of dA~a and shortness ~f ttme~ he has not as yet com- <br />pleted t/~e annual report, but hopes to have same in the hands o~ the Council at a later date; <br />and said communication ~as o~dered to be filed. <br /> <br /> The City Manager made also the following verba~ requests and reports: <br /> <br /> let. That an apprplmmiation of $$0. be made f0rrepairs to the Jailo~'s residence. on motion, the matter- was ~eferred to the Finance Department. <br /> <br /> <br />