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. R. C. P, <br /> <br />1918 <br /> <br /> At a regular meeting of the City Council Nay 14:th there were present: <br /> <br /> Messrs-- M. P. Claud, ~'. H. Culpepper, C. D. De,us, <br /> J. T. Hanve~, C. H. Herbert, E. H. ~ight, 8, <br /> Also the City Manager. <br /> <br /> The minutes of the regular meetings Aoril 9th and April I6th and special meetir~ April <br />23rd were read and were approved. - <br /> <br /> At this point, the privilege of the floor was extended to Dr. Hope, member of the ~oard <br />of Health~ who spoke concerning the necessity for detention houses for contagious diseases <br />dne fo~ the City and one for the County. <br /> <br /> Law-- REPORTS OF DEPART~NTS <br /> <br /> The Department submitted an ordinance which had been p~esented by the Central Labor <br />U~io~ regulating the sale, use and quality of gas /n the city; and recormmended that the ordinance <br />be ordered to lie on the table until a fUture meeting of the Council. <br /> The recommendation was adopted. <br /> <br /> Public Service-- <br /> No report. <br /> <br />~b lic P~operty-- <br /> No report. <br /> <br />Public Safety-- <br /> No report. <br /> <br />Public: <br /> No report. <br /> <br /> Finance-- <br /> Referred April 16th <br /> <br /> A special appropriation of $1,500. for the purchase of asphalt and paving material. <br /> It is rscomm~ended that a special appropriation to said amount be allowed. <br /> <br /> Reports of Officers for the month of ~a~ch, 1918. <br /> We report that said reports have been examined and filed. <br /> <br /> (With Dept. of Public Safety) Petition of members oF the Police Department for an increase <br />in pay to the extent ef $..50 per day. <br /> Under the resolution adopted at the last meeting of the Co~ucil, no action can be <br />~ken On <br /> <br /> (With Dept. of Public Safety) Petition of members of the Fire Department for an increase <br />in salary to $100. per month, same to be paid monthly instead of on the per diem basis. <br /> Under the resolution adopted at the last meeting of the C ~o~ncil, no action ~ be <br /> <br />Referred April 9th <br /> <br /> (With City Manager~& City Attorney~ Claim.. of J. T, Stafford for damages against the City <br />for injury to his property at the northeast ~co~ner of South and Pearl streets. <br /> Your Committee can only report progress, as the City ~a~ager and City Attorney have <br />not taken th~ m~tter up with the Deps~tment. <br /> <br /> A petition of M. E. ichols, for the J. T. Nichols Estate, to be re~nded $10.80, paid in <br />error for sotl~tax on No. 1628 High street, for the yea~s 1912-1G-l~-l§-lS-l?. <br /> Progl~ess. <br /> <br /> A petition of the Merchants National Bank of R~hmond to be paid for three coupons, $10, <br />each, on Portsmouth ~edemption Bonds Nos. 2~, 30,. and 31, due Januar~y 1, 1930; which coupons <br />have been lost. <br /> Progress. <br /> <br />(With City Menager) A bitI of R. E. Glover to smount of $159.19, for blankets furnished <br />the City Jai~ and tin ware to ~e used for the chain gm, ag, for which there is no appropriation. <br /> It is recommended that a special appropriation o~ $~B~,15 be allowed for the purpose <br />of paying said bill. <br /> <br /> A bill of F. P. Baldwin to amount cT $1.80, for <br />street, for the year 1917. <br /> P~ogress. <br /> <br />soil tax paid <br /> <br />in error on No. 2016 Q~een <br /> <br /> A petition of J. <br />1624-1626 High street, for the years 1912-13-14-15-16-17. <br /> Progress. <br /> <br /> (Signed) C. H, Eerbe~t, <br /> On motion, ~e report was adopted and by t~e following vote: <br /> <br /> Deans, Hanvey, Herbert, ~ight, <br /> <br /> Special ~ater Comittee-- <br /> <br />Frank Hedges to be refunded$3V.80, paid l~ error far soil tax on Nos. <br /> <br />Ayes-- Claud, Culpepper~ <br />6. <br /> <br />Referred APril 16th <br /> <br /> <br />