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MS~ ~1,, 1918 <br /> <br /> A ~egular meeting of the City Council ~s~ould have been held on this date, but no q~or~m <br />appearing within half an hour after the time set for the meeting, the body stood adjourned. <br /> <br />Those p~esent were: <br /> <br /> Nessrs-- J. T. Hanvey, <br /> <br />C. H. Herbert, <br /> <br />May 24, 1918 <br /> <br />At a~ adjourned regular meeting of the City. Council May 2~th there were present: <br /> <br /> Messrs-- ~. P. Claud, W. H. Oulp?pper, J.' T. Hanvey, <br /> C. H. Herbert, E. H. wrmght, 5. <br /> Also the City Manager. <br /> <br />~he minutes of the .regular meeting May 14th were read and wore approved. <br /> <br />Law- - <br /> <br />No <br /> <br />REPORTS OF DEPART~ENTS <br /> <br />l~b lie Service-- <br /> <br />Referred May t4th <br /> <br /> Ce <br /> (Nith zt~ Attorney) Recomr~endation of the City Managar. that ~e ~City deed ~ C. N. Ale~ <br />~ 20 ~, ~t ~d ~e~ ~a~k botwee~ p~atlel l~$~off of the ~e~ or west e~ of ~e <br />~' lot adJo~ s~d~der property (on ~e street~ for ~d ~ exch~n~ of the front <br />portion~ of ~. Ale~der'~~ let. <br /> ~ the s~ b2 ~e City Attorney's verbal ep~on~ It is ~eeo~e~ed ~t t~ ex- <br /> oh~e be not made. (Si~ed) W.H. Cul~ppe~, ~. <br /> 0n metl~, ~e ~epert was adopted. <br /> <br />Public P~oper ty-- <br /> No report. <br /> <br />Public Safety-- <br /> No rodent. <br /> <br />Pu~!ie Welfare-- <br /> <br />Referred May t4th <br /> <br /> To. confer with the Health Department in reference to Dete~tion'Houses for the City of <br />mouth. <br /> ~Ne report t~st the Board of Health appeared before this Committee and.explained the <br />urgent needs of the City for a Hospital to handle venereal situation in this City. <br /> <br /> "Whereas,.?~.ere are no accommodations at the City Jail to handle ~fectious'or contagiou~ <br />cases and no ~acilities for the examinatie~a~d demand of such cases'at tb~ ~ail. ' <br /> <br /> "Whe~eas; The law requires the City to provide segregation for contagious and'i~feetious <br />diseases. <br /> <br /> ~Whereas, ~his Com~i.'ttee has the assurance that the building to be furnished by the <br />City will be equipped and maintained arno expense to the City, other tha~t~? re~t~ <br /> ~'2herefore, Be It Resolved, ~t'w~, the undersigned members of the. Public ~elfa~e <br />Departr~nt~ respectf~l!y recommend that a~ appropriatio~ of $1,000. be made available f~o~ the <br />Heatth De~tm~ o~ ~sm~ch the~eof.~s~m~y be necessary to be used in providing a b~ilding <br />the use of a clinie s~d hospital; samd $1,000. to be made available in monthly instalments or as <br />much ~he~eof as my be necessary. <br /> <br />{ Signed ) <br /> <br />(Signed) <br /> <br />(Signed) <br /> <br />M. P.Olat~d, Chairman. <br /> <br />W. H. Culepper~ Vi0e-Chairms~. <br /> <br />W. B. Bates, City ~anager. <br /> <br /> On motion, She recommended appropriatio~ to provide a building for the use of a <br />and hospital was refez~ed to the Finance Deportment. <br /> <br />Fina~¢e-- <br /> <br />ReferredMay 14th <br /> <br />appropriation of $50. for repairs to the Jailor's residence, <br /> P~ogress as to ~amo. <br /> <br /> <br />