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Ju~ue ii,' 1918 <br /> <br /> 't~ae following eormuunications were read from the-City <br /> <br /> First. Attaching copy of correspondence in regard to an application from the J~es Stewart <br />Constr~ction Company For the erection 'of certain buildings and the shifting of certain tracks <br />in Crawford street, north of North street. <br /> He stated that he had~given his approval for <br />outlined in the following letter to said Company:~ <br /> <br />::Js~nes Stewart &~Co., I~e., <br /> P. 0. Box 556, <br /> Norfolk, ~k. <br /> <br />s~me, subject to the rights and conditions <br />~Portsmouth, Va., Jt~e 8, 1918. <br /> <br /> ~Dear Sir: -- <br /> Eeplyd~ng to yours of the 4th lust,, in ~egard to the urgent need of the Gov~ <br />ernment occasioned by the additional bulkheads in all s~ips brought to ~ ports~ for which <br />you have a contract with the Government, I beg' to advise that you ~h~e my approval for the in- <br />stallation of the worx outlined on a sketch s~tbmitted ju-ue Z, 1915~, which consist of the shift- <br />~ of tracks, as indicated by red lines and the erection of a shop on the North ~tf of~ craw- <br />ford street, on the City property, at the North end of said street. <br /> ~Yo~u~mlerstand that this permit is gr~nted provided *~t none of the rights, titles or <br />interest in th~ese premises, are waved and t~t you must comply with all of the City 0r~inances, <br />and State laws, so f~ as the State rights are applicable. <br /> '~:I am so advising the City Council of m~ approval of this application. Th~uking you to <br />keep in close touch with our buildi~ inspector, whom I ~ sure will be glad to co~operate alo~ <br />theee lines. I am also referring th_is appticat%on to -the City Attorney ~nd,. in the event ad- <br />ditional in~ormation or limitations as sho~n are required, you will be so advised, in which <br />event m~ aplmmoval will have to be amended accordingly. <br /> <br /> =~nder the circumstances, he, ever, i do not .anticipate the~e will be any material change <br /> from your application above mentioned. <br /> ~ottrs very truly, <br /> <br />= W. B. Bates, City D~nager.~ <br /> <br />On motion, the permission v~s granted, subject to the conditioz~s stated by the City Manager <br /> <br /> Second. Submitted the fo!!owin~ rules and regulations adopted by~the Justices of the res. ce <br />of this City: <br /> =At a meetin~ of the Justice of the feace, held in the City ~uager~.s Office, 8 <br />o'clock ~onday n~ght, June 10, 1918, the following rules and regulations were ~animo~sly adopted. <br />All were. present e~cept ~r. Deans, and he h~ since approved fo!~o~ing minutes: <br /> <br /> =~he meetin~ was called to order ~ry the City j~ ager, ~ho. s.tat~ed ~he purpose and object of <br />meeting. It was agreed that the City Ma~.ager sho~tl~ ~be made Cha~.~m~ o£ the ~eeltin~, although <br />he insisted on one of the Justices assuming the duties~ as chairman. <br /> <br /> ?~First motion after the organization was that one of the Justices should be on duty an en- <br />tire week and be known as the Justice of the Peace for tk~ Cfty, during bhat week, for all pape~ <br />to ~e issued from the Police StatiOn. <br /> <br /> ~Sec'ond. it was moved that the Justice designated for duty 'in any one week shall have the <br />right to appoint his substitute; in case he can not serve for that week or an~ part thereof, <br />and will so notify the 61aief o~ Police or.the 0~ffi?e~r in.char_ge of .the Police Station, the name <br />of the~ Justice who ms to sub'st~tute for him and a¢~ in his pzace. <br /> <br /> =T~ird. It w~s moved that every Justice ~ agree to abide by the~ r.?les and regulatigns ado~t- <br />ed at t~_is meeti~ and that there ~ill be no ~fwi~Eement on the dtfti~s at the Fol~ice ~tation <br />of the ~us~zce on duty du~ix~g 2~is week. <br /> <br /> ;~Fourth. It is moved that the assi ~g~?nt of duty ~o~ ~h? various weeks decided <br />by dra~rL~, and s~I1 rems~ in effect ~t~l ch~ed~ at~ a j~in~ meeting <br />Just~c~ ~e~$n~ ~ ~ a~ majorfty vote. Meet~ o~ the~ ustzces c~ De called by re,est of <br />s~ two J~tmces. <br /> <br /> ~f~. ~t the week ~all beg~ ~ ~onda~ ni~t ~d~ ~d on ~e fotlo~g ~ morni~, <br />m~ ~t *.h~s p~s~ shall ~g~ ~i~ to~ht Mond~ J~e~ 10, ~918~ <br /> <br /> ~S~. It ~s mo~d ~at the ~ief of Folmce he notzfzed~ of the ~nu~es of thzs meets, <br />alee of the s~nd~g of the J~tice~ for the Res~ctive ~e~ ~d t~t e~ ~s~ice be noticed <br />~en to repot for duty. <br /> ~l- ~. De~s. <br /> <br /> ~' ~ ~o!ian~ <br /> ~- ~; Pablo. <br /> <br /> ~ O <br />De,ns, on =cc nut o~ absence .at .tJ~e meeting, ~-. Pablo <br /> otherwise c~Juged by ~h~.' De~, <br /> <br />~:Attest: <br /> <br />W. B. Bates, City N~an~ger.= <br /> <br /> ~ ~eve~th. That <br />t will! ~s~Im~ the dutie~s for <br /> <br />On motion, the rules and regulations were referred to the DeDar~tment of Law~ <br /> <br />Attaching a communication from ~ Central Labor Union thar~king the Cmt~ ~anager and <br /> <br /> <br />