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290 <br /> <br />June 11, 1918 <br /> <br />water situation in-hand amd that matters a~e pro~ssiz~ ~ati~eto~ily~ <br /> <br /> ~. !terbert, Chairman of the A~uexation C~mittee~ reported that matters are in good hands <br />and in good shape. <br /> <br /> O~ motion of 9. Herbert, the City Nanager ~as requested to e~orce the ordinance in ~ega~d <br />to smoke nuisance on Cra~fo~d street. <br /> <br /> Nr. Deans called for a report on the ~equested appropriation fo~ a ne~ automobile for the <br />Chief of the Fire Dec,arden%, but there was no action on same. <br /> <br />On motion, <br /> <br />adjoined. <br /> <br />CiTY C-': ~RK ~D AUD~TO.% <br /> <br />Etme 1~, 1918 <br /> <br />At a s~eciat meeting of the C2ty Co,uti! J?mne .14th t~re were present: <br /> <br />Messrs-- M. P. Claud, N. H. CtLlpepper, C. D. D~ans, <br /> J. T; Hanvey, C. H. Herbert,~. ~ H. ~ri~t, <br /> ~ ' <br /> Also the City Manager. <br /> <br />The following directions were read for the special meetir~: <br /> <br />"Portsmouth, Va., June 13, 1918. <br /> <br />"N~. L. C. B~i~nson[ <br /> <br /> "City Clerk & Auditor, City. <br /> <br /> "Dear Sir:-- <br /> You will plemse call a special meeting o£ the City Council fo~ ~iday, June <br />l~th~ at 8 o'clock P. M., to consider the following oPdinan~e~o~deredto lie' on the table June <br />llth, 1918: <br /> An O~dinance to Authorize the Issue of New Bonds for the~Red~ption and Liquidation <br />of ~ ' <br /> ~?82,800. of ~Redemption Bonds" Fallingi~le Jttly I, 1915. <br /> <br /> ' "Vemy- re~ect~ztiy, <br /> "~. T. Han~ey, ~Wresid~nt." <br /> The ~caI1~ t~vi~g been rea~, the follo~ing ordinance .~as-Z~k~nup, read and adopted: <br /> <br /> Ai~ ORDINf~MCE TO AU~tORI~ ~M ~SSUE OF ~ BO~S F~R ~ ~F~PTiON~i~ LIQUIDATION OF <br />$82,800. OF '~P~?~2ION BO~DS~ FALLING DD~.~L Oo~ l~ 1918. {See Ordinance Book). <br /> <br />And .by the fo!lo~i~vote: <br /> <br />Ayes-- Claud, <br /> Wright, <br /> <br />Culpepper, Deans, Hanvey, Herbert, <br /> 6. <br /> <br />On motion, adjo~ned. <br /> <br /> <br />